Thursday, May 8, 2008

80% chance of showers...that's good odds. Isn't it?

I went to the doctor's yesterday and had an ultrasound. The baby was being quite stubborn and uncooperative. Not only was the baby not in a good position to check the sex but the baby's legs were crossed. The technician tried to get the baby to move but wasn't very successful. She said from what she saw that it was a girl but she was only 80% sure. She told us that she usually gets a really good look but this time she was only able to get a fair look. Then she said that we should be okay buying some pink girl stuff but not too get too carried away just in case. That being said I have to go back in 2 weeks to get an ultrasound so I can get better pictures.

The baby is healthy and normal and my due date is still the same which is September 27, 2008. I am totally fine if it is a girl and I would have been more satisfied if it was more clear cut answer like "It's a girl" or "It's a boy." Instead I feel like my odds are really really good that it is a girl but what if I go back and she tells me it is a boy (even though the chances are slim). I was hoping for a more definitive answer either way instead of waiting for 5 months and getting really excited to find out I have to wait 2 more weeks to know for sure. That's my only gripe.

Other than that I finally gained some weight now that I don't throw up on a regular basis. I have gained 10 lbs so far and the doctor said hopefully I will only gain another 15 lbs by the time the baby comes. Personally I think that only gaining another 15 lbs would be a miracle so I won't be disappointed if I gain more.

**WARNING: Do not read if you don't really want to know the nitty gritty of the pregnancy.**

Other complaints I have this week are headaches and hemorrhoids. I have had a consistent headache for 5 days straight. I took some Tylenol on Monday because it was so bad but it didn't help too much so I haven't taken any more. I iced my neck and head and that helps a little but I guess I will just have to live with it. Onto the hemorroids. I have had them before but never like this so I asked the doctor about it. The doctor said that most pregnant women get hemorrhoids and they won't go away until I deliver the baby and it is worse because I am short because there is less room for the baby. His analogy was the baby is like a large tumor that is exerting a lot of weight and pressure on my digestive system and my body has 40% more blood flowing through it so some off my blood vessels are going to be enlarged. Unfortunately it is down in the neither region. His suggestions were no heavy lifting, no standing for long periods of time, elevate my feet if I can, and avoid constipation. What has provided the biggest relief so far are cold Tucks pads used as a compress.


Jenny said...

Man I never had hemmoroids, yuck! Sorry to hear you are miserable. No one ever tells you the crappy parts of pregnancy or labor for that matter (hmmm...or breastfeeding, raising kids, etc). But if you ever want an honets opinion, I'll give it to you! Just plain Mike for this one because he is so tall! Your body just doesn't have much room for his baby to grow in. I would have been totally upset too if I couldn't have found out the sex of our baby. Although it might have been better than finding out she was a girl after my hubby just knew Pearl was a boy. He left the doctor's office looking like his puppy had been run over. Keep us posted!

Jenny said...

I better go to bed, look at all those spelling and grammar mistakes in my first post. Sorry!

Julie said...

I am sorry you are having a rough time with things! I hope they get better! We couldn't find out the sex for a while with Kate--they had me go to the bathroom, move around, then try again, and it worked. Hopefully next time you will be able to find out for 100%!

Brooke said...

That totally sucks!!! You just need to start disciplining your baby early!! Tell him/her to stop it or else!!!! We still need to get together...maybe we could go on a hike! J/k!! but lunch maybe?