Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Garage sales, nesting, back pain and then some

Mike and I hit a few garage sales on Saturday and we really hit the jack pot. We bought a carseat for $7 dollars and it looks brand new. I knew that hitting the garage sales on the hill would finally pay off. I picked up a few other items that were adorable and some brand new. I guess I have reaped the benefits of others being shopaholics and buying the latest and getting tired of their stuff quickly.

Mike and I were planning on buying a new carseat but since we got such a great deal we needed to buy a stroller. Originally I had picked a stroller/carseat travel set that was brown but the carseat we bought is green so I had to look for a new stroller. I found a great pattern that is brown and green and I searched the internet and found an amazing deal for the stroller. I bought it for $101.99 with free shipping. I can't wait to see it.

I have this huge urge to clean and get everything ready for the baby. I know I have 3 months left but I feel like I am running out of time. The bigger my belly gets the harder it is to do anything and everything and unfortunately my pubic bone pain hasn't gone away and sometimes is excruciating and my back started hurting last week. My conclusion is it is really hard to concentrate on anything when your back hurts. I have been wearing my maternity support belt and plan on taking it easy for the next couple of days.

I went to the chiropractor yesterday and he adjusted my back and neck, I did some acupuncture and received a pregnancy massage. My back is really tender and I feel like I am falling apart and everything I do is in slow motion but hopefully if I take it easy for the next couple of days I will feel better. I have been super exhausted and really hot. I can barely roll over in the middle of the night to go to the rest room.

Really I am just complaining but I am super excited to have the baby.


Julie said...

I feel ya on the aches and pains. Mine started with round ligament pain at 8/9 weeks (yeah slightly early I know!), sciatic nerve pain right around that time too (which went away with a few massages), braxton hicks at about 16 weeks, and now I have the sciatic pain again since about 20 weeks. Too much time left for so much pain. I don't look forward to this pubic bone pain you talk about.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you can find some pain relief. Poor Sandy. On the brighter side, yay for great deals! Post some pics of your great finds...I would love to see them. Phillip is addicted to garage sales and we have picked up so super-great things at them.

Brenda said...

Just a few words: God BLESS pregnant women. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. It makes labor and delivery look like a cake walk.

Alabama Apples said...

Hi! Hooray for your deals!!! Sorry about the downs, but I'm so excited for your little girly-girl! I agree with Steph, post your finds! I can't believe you only have 3 months left...time flies! I'm getting excited...kind of giddy, myself!!!

Jenny said...

Sandy it was so fun seeing you at your baby shower! You look just radiant, really. As for the earlier post on diaper bags, my hubby refused to carry anything around that was girly or resembled a purse of any kind. My aunt found a nice bag at the Sportsman (I think it was kind of pricey though) that was yellow and just looked sort of like a duffel bag only better. I really didn't need any pockets and gadgets in a diaper bag. Honestly, I wish I had gotten a bigger purse to store a couple of diapers and wipes in and that I could stuff a toy or onsie in if needed. I really haven't used a diaper bag too much, especially once Pearl got older.

Haylee Munk Brown said...

Hey Sandy, hope you are feeling alright. Just wanted to add (even though I am not experienced on the subject) That my friends have a one year old and they say they never had a "diaper bag", they use a regualr back pack. Most backpacks have all sorts of good pockets, easy to carry and hubby will wear it too! Glad you found some good deals!