Friday, July 11, 2008


I got this from Susiane's blog and I thought it sounded like fun. So please play along!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. That's it!!!


Shelly Traveller said...

I just want to say that in high school I thought you had the prettiest complexion and smile! And I though that you and your group of friends were just plesant to be around.

Jenny said...

So many memories, where to begin? Maybe the time Brooke's mom dared you and Tiffany to streak down their road only to get caught by Alison's dad. Maybe how beautiful I thought your handwriting was? Or perhaps the many, many times you helped me with my math or chemistry homework? I still remember the first time going over to your house and we did homework for what seemed like hours in your basement! Or the time in college when you had me go to some of your Theta Nu Xi stuff but I didn't end up joining (it was fun though), or how gorgeous I always thought you were/are. Hopefully these are just a start to a lifetime of memories together!

Hayley said...

I guess we didn't hang out a ton back then, but like Shelly I was always in awe of how stinkin' pretty you were..and still are. You have always been so kind!

Married Mannings said...

I would definitely say that you made me sane in Arizona and then that kicked off a great year of me always going to your lab to hang out, my first and only HOWL with you, the step team is great memory, and of course taking the discussions where I learned just as much as you did. We really need to catch up and keep in contact. We had great times!!!

Alabama Apples said...

Haahaa! My memory was going to be of you and Tiff streaking, too! Oh Sandy, I have such fun memories of you! Sleeping over at your house and waking up all CUDDLED with you, sorry- laughing with you until I had to try NOT to pee my pants. I loved being your friend and that we still are. I love reading about where you are, how you're doing. It makes me smile just knowing you. Thanks! I love you!

Anonymous said...

How funny that you have the same post!! I love this post!
Hmmm, there are quite a few...what to pick out... A memory that even resurfaces now, when I am getting ready in the morning...I remember one time sleeping over at your house, Lib and Monica were there and we were getting all gussied up. It was so funny 'cause we were putting on mascara and we laughed so hard because the mascara was drying on the wand before Monica would get it on her eyelashes. I am not even sure what we did after we all got ready...slept in our makeup probably. Mmmmm, fun times, fun times.

Sandy said...

Memory of Liberty...Remember during our senior year and we thought that one boy was gorgeous and he sat at the same lunch table as us. Then I dared you to talk to him so you could get counters at work. Those were good times. I never told you that I actually went on a date with him.

I remember working at LaBeau's and I would tease you about sneaking mushrooms into your food or you putting too much salt on people's food.

Then I came to visit you when you were at BYU and we bought matching bras from Victoria Secret and we got a second earring together.

Good old times.

Sandy said...
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Haylee Munk Brown said...

Sandy, I remember a fun slumber party at Monica Nelson's house where I got to know you a bit better, and yes of course the fun times where I saw you in college! I am glad that we got to hang out a bit in college as well through our mutual friends which has brought us to keeping in touch now!