Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not much going on

Lately I have been super tired/exhausted. I guess I have been trying to do too much but I have this sense of urgency to get as much as I can done before my movement becomes to limited.

I have to give a shout out to my husband Mike for getting the office cleaned out and rearranged and the crib set up and rearranging the living room again so I could have more room when I foot zone.

I have ordered/bought almost everything I need for the baby. Our apartment is on the verge of actually being clean and organized for the first time. Mike and I have so much stuff already but adding the baby's stuff has been quite the challenge but I think we have done well.

I have been trying to get my rest, stay hydrated and keep my feet from swelling but I promise that I will get some pictures of my belly and all my great super buys up.


Alabama Apples said...

Yuck to tiredness. Good for Mike, put him to use!!! ;)

Julienne said...

We are impressed with Mike and his mad cleaning skills. I am anxious to see a picture to see what your little belly really does looks like. Glad that things are going well, you don't have much longer, well that's easy for me to say.