Saturday, August 23, 2008

Weird things are happening to my body...but I guess that is normal

Pregnancy is like a science experiment going on with my body. I have read a lot of books and they tell you about all these things that could happen but when it really does happen sometimes it can be quite surprising. Here are some of the weird things that I have experienced in the past week:

1. Both of my arms falling asleep when I am asleep. The weird thing is I am not sleeping on them or laying in a position that could cut off circulation.
2. Feeling pins and needles in my feet when I stand up sometimes.
3. My ankles disappearing by the end of the day.
4. Feeling like I am suffocating in the middle of the night because I am so congested.

Obviously there have been a lot of other things I have experienced in the past 9 months but who could remember them all. Not me that's for sure.


Shelly Traveller said...

I remember all those things, yet..I had forgot about them. I guess we have to forget so that we will do it again.

Jenny said...

Ya know, I started reading all those pregnancy books but gave up after a few months because they never fully describe what your body is doing or feeling like and everyone is different anyway. Don't worry, the ankles will come back!

Jenny said...

Ya know, I started reading all those pregnancy books but gave up after a few months because they never fully describe what your body is doing or feeling like and everyone is different anyway. Don't worry, the ankles will come back!

Laki Girl said...

Okay, I'll admit I never read any of the pregnancy books, weird I know. Probably just paranoid I might start having phantom pains stemming from my brain. Anyway just thought I would say I wish the feeling of "science experimentation" on my body was over. I keep thinking 8 months of not being pregnant should do it but, I think my physical activity hasn't been up to par and that's kind of holding up my return to "myself." Or at least I hope that's the case, that's really the scary unknown, for me anyway, "Am I ever going to be normal, again?"

Alabama Apples said...

Ha! I agree with Shelly about how it is funny how you forget most of the yuck about pregnancy and labor...if not, women WOULDN'T do it again! Still, my fav symptom was the lack of memory. Seriously, I forget everything, which isn't really normal for me. I always feel like I'm getting dumber and dumber. Don't worry, it all ends and then you're left with a body you don't recognize that seems to have a life of its own!!! But then, that too goes away and you think maybe I could do this again...silly us!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, it's funny that you mention those things, 'cause now that you mentioned them I remembered them, but I had forgotten most of them had happened. I guess that's a good thing. ;)

Ashley said...

I sounds like you are getting close to getting that baby here! We are excited to see pictures of her! Hope you get some good sleep sometime soon.

Married Mannings said...

I can't wait to get pregnant!! ;-)