Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Good news and some bad news...

I had my weekly visit and even though the doctor wasn't there I saw his PA (she is fantastic). The good news is baby Olivia finally turned. I am 80% effaced but no dilation.

Here are all the great and wonderful things I did that hopefully contributed to Olivia turning so late in pregnancy. I went to a chiropractor that specializes in pregnant women who performed the webster technique on me on Friday afternoon, Saturday morning and Monday afternoon. Even though I had to drive to Ogden which is 45 minutes away it was well worth the time and gas.

I took a homeopathic medicine called pulsatilla to help loosen my muscles starting Thursday evening. My doula did some energy work on Tuesday afternoon. I did the slant board since Friday and the polar bear position (aka the chest knee position). I drank water with some redmond's real salt so I could retain water so Olivia would have plenty of amniotic fluid to turn. Unfortunately the salty water made me swell a lot more than I am use to.

The bad news is my blood pressure was high but when I would lay down it went back to normal and my feet have been super swollen. The PA was worried that I might have pregnancy induced high blood pressure so she asked me to lay down as much as possible. She was also concerned that I could get toxemia so I did a stress test today and had some blood drawn. Olivia's stress test turned out great. I don't have any protein in my urine. I'll have to call the office tomorrow to find out the results of my blood test.

So basically I need to be in a horizontal position as much as possible until I go into labor and I might be ordered to go on bed rest if the blood tests aren't great. Bed rest isn't the worst thing that could happen but it is hard not being able to do anything. I still have 9 days until my due date but I think I will probably go over since I am not dilated at all and progressing slowly.


Julie said...

YAY for baby turning into the proper position! YAY for effacement!! It's a start in the right direction. BOO for high blood pressure. If you have to go on bed rest at least it won't be for too long!

Alabama Apples said...

Hooray for her turning!!! And things are progressing, so that's great. Sorry about the bed-rest, but maybe a rest won't be too bad ;) Maye I could claim pregnancy induced hypertension and take a day off...

Charee B Mcclellan said...

do what the dr. says that is for sure. rest as much as is well worth it! good luck in the next few days!

Julie said...

That is great the baby turned! What good news! I keep checking waiting for the big update! Hang in there, just a little longer!

Anonymous said...

Yippe for your summersalting Olivia!! I am so happy for you that she turned! I hope that things go better for you in the blood pressure department, though. One thing is for sure, you won't be pregnant forever and whatever happens (bedrest, or not) it won't be for much longer.

Brenda said...

I'm so glad the baby turned so you can go through with your original birthing plan. Hang in there... you're so close. It will all be worth it. Nothing compares to holding the new little one in your arms.

Rachelle said...

The week of my due date I was not dialted at all, the baby had not dropped at all and it didn't seem like there was any progress, but he still came that week only 1 day after my due date so you just never know!! Good luck I am happy for you.

Garth and Alicia said...

What a champ! You have been busy trying alternative ways to get Olivia to behave! I'm impressed. At this point in your pregnancy, you could take the easy way out but you've been dedicated to be as natural as possible! Keep us all updated. It sounds like we will all get to see her soon (you better post pics of her right after she's born!!)

Alabama Apples said...

I've been thinking about you a lot, sweetie. Just think, it will all be over soon and you will get to know the little girl who has been kicking you black and blue for nine (no, make that soon to be ten) months. Things are moving forward and it is so amazing to me how our bodies are engineered to know what to do. Just try to relax and spend some precious one-on-one time with Mike. I'm so excited for you and can't wait until we get another update. Love you!

Heidi and Matt said...

Wow! That is so cool, I had no Idea that you could do those things to make baby turn. It would be a million times better than a c section. Yay, only a few more days until your due date. ALMOST DONE! Good luck!

Jenny said...

So glad to hear Olivia has finally decided to cooperate and flip around. And don't count on not having her anytime now just because you're not dialated or having any contractions. I went to the doctor a few days before I had Pearl (2 weeks early too) and he said it's going to be awhile - no contractions, no being dialated, no effacement, NOTHING. Then wham a couple days later full on labor and it was faster than they expected. I think this KUTV pregnancy & exercise segment I taped helped speed things along...maybe give it a try or there are more fun things you and Mike could do to get things moving! :)