Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Olivia

Olivia is 2 today! She has grown up so much in the past year. I can't believe how much happens between the age of 1 and 2. I took her to her well child care check up and she is the perfect weight for her height. All her teeth have come in. She talks really well for her age.

Mike and I bought her a little pop up tent for the house and she loves that and asmall pop up laundry basket. Never too young to learn responsibility. She dabbles with using the toilet. Her incentives are receiving "My Little Pony" stickers. She loves Disney movies especially the old school ones with music and talking animals. Her favs are Jungle Book, Aristocats, 101 Dalmations, Lion King and the Little Mermaid. She loves music and loves to sing.

We moved her to a toddler bed and she has been doing really well until recently. I just need to buck down and let her cry it out but I am going to wait until we move. She loves to climb everything. She loves to draw on herself with markers. And she loves the outdoors. Overall she is a very easy going child and is generally happy.

Mike and I are so happy to have Olivia in our lives.


Jenny said...

Happy birthday Olivia! It's hard to imagine life without your kids once you have them.

Alabama Apples said...

Oh, happy birthday, Miss Olivia! 2 is such a fun age. I love my beasties at the ages of 2 and 3. A lot of fun...a lot of energy! :) She sounds like such a little cutie-patootie!