Monday, April 11, 2011

Pregnancy update

I had my 34 week appointment today and everything is going really well. I have been measuring a week bigger than my due date. My due date was based on the first day of my last period but when I had my ultrasound at 22 weeks the baby's measurements had my due date 5 days earlier. The birthing center left my due date later just in case I went over 40 weeks but my midwife said I have been measuring 1 week bigger which is exciting.

I am excited because hopefully the baby will come around her new due date which is almost a week earlier and if anyone has been pregnant knows time moves like molasses during the last month. So 5 days is a huge deal. It makes me a little nervous because that means I have less time to get my stuff ready for the baby. Really the only thing I am worried about is packing my hospital bag.

The midwife also asked me if this baby has felt different than my pregnancy with Olivia. I guess another mom who had a breech baby at first and a head down baby this time said she was in a lot more pain. I said exactly the same thing. I never ever had any discomfort in my hips with Olivia toward the end and this baby has been really uncomfortable. I figured it was because she is head down.

Another good thing is the baby is head down and she is sitting low enough the chances of her flipping are very very slim.


Jenny said...

As they say, every pregnancy is different (and every labor). Here's wishing baby #2 gets here on time (or early) and not late like my little guy did. He measured 9 days early so they moved my due date up and then he up and went over by 3 days. It was torture!