Saturday, July 23, 2011

Olivia versus Hazel

I remember when we had Olivia and every check up we went too the doctor would ask how she was doing and I would say " Really good. She never cries." And he would say "Things will change and it will start to pick up.". It never did. Olivia rarely cried. I can count on two hands the number of times she cried before the age of 1. When we told other people, they said oh we got really lucky because that isn't normal. Every book I read and tried the technique work beautifully. Only took a few days to implement. Olivia is easy going, adapts to change very well, is a good eater and good sleeper and a pretty good listener (for her age at least).

Then along came Hazel. The pregnancy and postpartum recovery were totally different. Hazel cries. A lot more than Olivia. When she is hungry she is hungry right now. She can't stand a poopy diaper. When she was a newborn she wanted to be held always. It was a big adjustments and I now realize how easy of a baby Olivia was. Hazel isn't terrible by any means. I am told she is quite normal and actually a very good baby.

I kind of feel like a new mom again because I have had to try new techniques and reread some books I wasn't planning on rereading. I knew having two kids would be a big adjustment but wow it is hard work. Sometimes I feel bad because Olivia use to get all our attention and now she has to share. And then Hazel will never get as much attention as Olivia ever did. Then if we have another baby Hazel will definitely get the short stick when it comes to attention. I guess that is where middle child syndrome starts to form. J/k.

All in all everything is going well. I forgot how exhausting the first couple of months were but Hazel is finally starting to sleep a little bit longer. I will take waking up at 4:30 over 2. Hazel was a little high maintenance the first few weeks but she has become much easier. We finally have Olivia potty trained and it was a lot easier than I suspected. It is hard work but worth it. I am glad that Olivia will have a playmate. Will we have more kids? We would love to but Mike says we should take a little break. I totally agree. I am looking forward to forgetting the hard parts of pregnancy, labor, and the first few months.


Captivating Sparkle said...

bwhwhaha.. middle child syndrome :)

Jenny said...

Cole was a much harder newborn (and still is more finicky) than Pearl ever was! Pearl was a great baby... I think it was Heavenly Father's way of getting me to have one more kid because I'm not sure I could have survived a second one with reflux and sleeping habits like Cole.