Friday, July 17, 2009

Our new van

Mike and I finally bought a van this weekend. We needed another vehicle and instead of buying a sedan we decided we should go ahead and buy a minivan and not have to worry about getting a bigger vehicle when we decide to have more kids. It's a 2004 Odyssey and it has 67,000 which we thought was a huge plus. The van is black which isn't something we wanted but Mike got his leather seats and I got the power doors so it was a compromise. Mike detailed the car and it looks great. Maybe someday I'll actually take pictures and get them uploaded.


Julie said...

Yay for minivans! I know my car will be traded for one when we have the next kid. I loved my minivan I drove in college, didn't have to worry about stuff not fitting in my car. And it could haul an entire line when I was dean. Transportation was not an excuse as to why they couldn't make a quiz :) congrats on the new car! How is Miss Olivia doing these days?

Amanda said...

Woah! Congrats. Vans are awesome. We bought one before our first was born... they are so not hip or sexy, but I think once you have a van it is hard to go back to a sedan - the cargo space is AWESOME!

Courtney said...

Sandy, I hope you don't mind my blog stalking. I found your blog linked to Kerri Hansen's blog. I love reading what you and Mike have been up to. Your blog is awesome. i love that you are so honest about motherhood because I have been dealing with the exact same feelings. Way to go buying the minivan. I think all moms put off buying one but then when they get one they LOVE it.
~Courtney Millecam

Alabama Apples said...

Hooray for mini-vans. Not always the look that I love, but I LOVE them with my children. Life is SO much easier with it.

Love the shoes you won! Fab!!!

Tiffany Petersen said...

Hey you, this is Tiffany. I just wanted to give you my blog page address so you can have it. It