Friday, June 13, 2008

A whirlwind of a day...

Mike went to his parents on Thursday to work for his dad and brother-in-law at their concrete coating business. Even though I was a little sad initially when he left I started to make plans and had a huge list of things to do while he was gone.

I started Friday with a follow-up visit to the chiropractor and things went really well. My pain hasn't gone away but the exercises have helped subside the pain to something bearable when walking. Hopefully if I stay persistent the pain will go away in a few days and I can manage it for the rest of the pregnancy. The good news is I only have to go back for treatments if the pain gets worse. So I was pretty excited because I was going to be able to accomplish so much today and tomorrow without experiencing too much pain. Clean the house, go to a garage sale, attend my friend's wedding, hang out with my mom, get the house ready for more baby furniture.

When I was ready to go to work I noticed that Mike had called while I was at the doctor's. I called him back and he said that Emily his sister who is also pregnant and 10 weeks ahead of me went to the hospital this morning to have her baby because the baby's stress test wasn't great. He asked if I could drive to Syracuse after work today and help watch Emily's other kids. She has 4 kids. He asked me to call his mom to offer my help because he thought it would be nice.

So I talked to my mother-in-law Jeannie this morning and Emily went to the hospital and they needed to check to see if Emily could have a vaginal delivery because that might be too stressful for the baby so she might have to have a C-section instead. Jeannie was trying to figure out what to do with the kids so she could go to the hospital and check on Emily. So I offered to drive down after work to help with the kids today and tomorrow.

Honestly I was a little bummed when Mike asked me because I was so ready to be productive and finally have a clean house and hang out with my mom and go to my friend Iris's wedding tomorrow. A bunch of people were coming to the wedding that I haven't seen for awhile and I was looking forward to catching up. Sounds selfish I know. But I sucked it up and will be driving down to Syracuse this evening. I guess it is a blessing in disguise that my pain has decreased so I can have the energy to watch kids.


Alabama Apples said...

What a sweet sister-in-law! I hope all goes well for her and you have an enjoyable time!

Shelly Traveller said...

I hope everything is O.K with her baby and you survived 4 kids. Having Justin as a chiropractor during my pregnancy was the best thing I could have asked for There is so much they can do. I also wore the belt and the muscle training exercises are life saving.

Anonymous said...

What a good Auntie you are to watch four kiddos. I hope that all goes well for your sister-in-law.

Haylee Munk Brown said...

I hope that everything turns out okay with your sister in law and the baby! I was bummed I didn't see you at the wedding, but it sounds like you were needed. I took some pictures so I will make sure I will put them up on my blog when I get home! Glad you are feeling better (even if it is just a little bit!)

Alabama Apples said...

Happy Almost Father's Day, Mike! Just think, next year you will be a diaper-changing, spit-up-catching, silly-face-making pro!!

Married Mannings said...

You're a really nice sister-in-law Sandy. I was hoping to see you at the wedding though, but it sounds like your family needed you. I hope all is going well!