Monday, May 19, 2008

Flu on Sunday

I woke up on Sunday morning at 6 AM and I felt terrible. A short summary would be I spent quite a few hours on the toilet with diarrhea and a pail in my lap so I could throw up at the same time. I didn't know if I had food poisoning or the flu but I am going to put my money on the stomach flu. My stomach started cramping and Mike called the hospital and they said I need to take in more fluids because I was started to get dehydrated and take some immodium-ad which really helped. I was worried about getting dehydrated but I guess I wasn't taking in enough fluids to offset how much I was losing.

Mike was really great when he took care of me and I really appreciate it. Thanks Mike! The bad thing about pregnancy is it takes me a lot longer to recovery/recuperate so I took Monday off because I still feel sick and really weak. Maybe next week I will have a better weekend in California.


Jenny said...

Sandy I totally feel your pain! I never got sick during pregnancy like that but a few months ago both Jeff and I got the stomach flu within a couple hours of each other. Pearl was still breastfeeding and refused to take a bottle so between barfing and well the other end, I tried to be a good mom. It was the most horrible time ever! Pearl just cried and cried and Jeff and I well, you get the picture. I totally feel your pain and hope that once this baby gets here, you feel better and the baby is an angel. It sounds like you deserve it after this pregancy!

Shelly Traveller said...

Sandy, I saw your link on Haylee's blog and I wanted to say hello. I was so excited to see that you are pregnant and with a girl. Girls are so fun. I can feel your pain, I get sooooo sick when I'm pregant and had to have a surgery during my last pregnancy. I'll be looking forward to reading more and seeing your beautiful baby.
Tell Mike hi for us.
Shelly and Justin Traveller

Charee B Mcclellan said...

Hi Sandy- I just ran across your blog and how cute you look with your fun little belly!! Hope that you start feeling better and your pregnancy ends great.