Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Olivia's sleeping schedule

Olivia has been a really good sleeper. When she was younger I could just leave her in the room with Mike and I and she would eventually drift off. Now that she is older she is more aware and is not able to fall asleep as easily if she is in a room with other people. For the past two weeks I have been laying by her not to comfort her but to hold her binky in her mouth. She is a smart little stinker and knows that if she pulls her binky out while she is drifting off she will wake up.

So last Friday I decided to sleep train her and I was a little worried that it would be really rough. Luckily for me she only fussed for 10 minutes the first night and even though her binky usually falls out she just used her thumb instead. Sometimes she does find her binky and she can reinsert it. Last night I was able to put her down without her fussing which is awesome!!!

I also started her on a napping scheduling and have been putting her down for her naps the same way. The great thing is our sitter has been doing the same thing so Olivia has that consistency throughout the day.

She goes to bed at 7:30 pm which is sometimes a struggle to keep her up that long. She wakes up between 7:30 and 8 am. She goes down for her 1st nap at 9:30 until 11. Her second nap is from 1 until 2 pm. And her 3rd nap is from 3:30-4:30 pm. Now I just wait for her to wean herself off the last nap. I used the Sleepeasy Solution book as a resource and it has a lot of great information.


Jenny said...

Wow, that's a ton of sleeping! I'm totally jealous that Olivia sleeps that much and takes naps like that.

Ashley said...

That's awesome! You sounds like a great little Mommy! She is such a cutie! I can't believe she is already that old! They grow so fast, too fast. Tell Mike we say hello!

Julie said...

I hope Ryleigh drops her 7pm feeding and starts to go to bed earlier. We give her a bath at 8pm, but she's definitely starting to get tired earlier than that. Hopefully
soon she'll go to bed earlier, so I can go to bed earlier. 6 hours a night is killing me!

Alabama Apples said...

It is wonderful she is on such a great schedule! Hooray for you and Olivia. It is great your babysitter follows what you matter what you do, I have found consistency has worked best. Whenever we get off track...all he@# breaks loose! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay for sleeping schedules!! I hope she keeps on being a good little sleeper for you!