Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It finally worked

So I have been doing sign language with Olivia since she was 8 months (I think). She has always done the sign for more and eat and drink when I said the words but I can feel confident saying she actually knows what they mean and how to use them. On Sunday I gave her some shredded cheese and went to put the cheese away she walked up to me and signed "more" then "eat." So I am a very proud mom! I have been trying to teach her more signs but there is a learning curve for myself plus actually remembering to sign when I am talking.


Alabama Apples said...

Hooray! I LOVE those signs. I learned a few with Cooper (Steph's oldest)since he had speech issues and used them with Jos and continued with my other beasties. Eat, more, drink and all-done. Love the communication!

Julie said...

Way to go Olivia!!! That is awesome. My neighbor growing up was deaf, so I still remember some signs from babysitting him, but am definitely not consistent with using them. I'm starting to do more of them though.

Laki Girl said...

It helped so much with my first, a lot less frustration, great for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Yay! That's awesome. It's always a wonderful feeling when something you are trying to teach your little one works out. Like Lib said, sign was one of my best friends with Cooper. :)