Monday, December 7, 2009

Contemplating a half marathon

I've always wanted to do a marathon or even a half. The fall before I was pregnant I really got into running and participated in my first 5K. Mike ran it with me but he really caught the running bug in the spring and ran a half marathon and did 2 triathlons the year I was pregnant. I was super excited for him but sad I couldn't participate too. My goal was to run the top of utah half marathon this past August. Well that didn't happen.

Recovery from pregnancy, getting back into shape, and finding the time and motivation was a lot harder than I anticipated. I finally lost my pregnancy weight and I am slowly getting back into shape. I would really like to run the Salt Lake Marathon in April and it happens to fall on the weekend after my birthday.

Really I am a wuss and I hate to commit to anything unless I know I am going to be 100% prepared. I am the type of person that if I do something I want to do it well. And I know my goal should be to finish but I'll be honest, I want to have a great time. That being said I ran 5 miles in 51 minutes today. It was a long run today.

I am hoping that if I write about it on my blog I will take it a bit more serious.


Courtney said...

Do it! I ran a half marathon when I was 6 weeks pregnant with Brooke. It was the most amazing experience I've ever had. It was so awesome to see myself accomplish a goal I never thought was possible. I ran the SLC half and really liked the route. I got my training schedule from the website I have said that I want to run one again, but I am having a hard time finding the time/motivation. Just excuses, I know.

Alabama Apples said...

Hooray for you! I know you can do it. Making it public is a great way to get motivated. My hubby also finds having a goal like that helps to keep him motivated. Good luck!

Rachelle said...

I will be running the SLC marathon this year. If you decide to do it you are more than welcome to train with me and my partner!!

carli said...

I say you do it. I ran a full in 2008 and it was one of the best things I have done for myself. I am training again and I know you can do it. And for the time thing if you stick to the training guide you should have a pretty good time. Keep us updated

Jenny said...

Sandy you're one of the most dedicate people I know and when you set your mind to something you do it! I know how you feel though about not wanting to do something unless you know your perfectly ready for it but just do it. It's been forever since I've even run so just do it!!!

Mike D. said...

Ya Just DO It!!! I know you can. i bet you can even do it in under 2:10.

Unknown said...

I've completed 5 marathons. A few half-marathons and countless 5 and 10K's. Regardless of the distance, the feeling of crossing that finish line NEVER gets old.

Lyndsey said...
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Lyndsey said...

Hey I don't think we know each other my name is Lyndsey but Mike is related to Blake( I think)or they are friends? Blake is my son's father- Parker? I don't know if you have met Parker - but I used to see Mike all the time!! I just saw his name on my cousin Tiffany's site and saw you guys:( sorry - pretty random post - just thought I would say hi!!