Friday, March 20, 2009

Olivia the bunny, her bumbo and jumper

This bunny suit was Adie's (Olivia's cousin) but she outgrew it so Olivia inherited it. Olivia was growing so fast I had to get some pictures of her in it before it was too small and before it got too warm.

These pictures are from last month but I thought I should post them anyway. Our sitter was putting Olivia in her daughter's bumbo seat and Olivia really liked it so I finally caved in and bought one. The bumbo seat is so pricey (around $45 at walmart or target) so I looked around on ksl for a used one and there were a couple of them on sale for $25. I thought it was pretty pricey for a used one but I still wanted to get one. Luckily I looked on ebay and found a new one with a tray for $29.90 with no shipping costs. I use it to feed her and she loves it. One month ago she couldn't sit up without assistance and a couple weeks ago she could sit by using her arms and this week she finally learned how to sit up by herself. I'll post those pictures later.

She looks so grumpy because she is tired but I had to get a picture of her in her new bumbo.

My friend Mandy gave me this jumper. The first time Olivia sat in it she didn't know what to do but she loves it now. Unfortunately the only 2 doors that have trim to hold the jumper are the closets. So Olivia gets to spend some quality time in the coat closet.


Alabama Apples said...

Seriously Sandy, you have such a beautiful baby. She is adorable. I love her in the bunny outfit. I've seen those chairs before. Are they great? My babies loved their jumpers, too. I'm so glad you posted all these pics! It is fun to see how much she is growing. What a cutie!!!

Julie said...

We have the same bumbo! Same color. Ryleigh loves it. And that bunny seat is to die for! SO freaking cute!