Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring break at Zion's National Park

For Spring Break we went to St. George and visited Zion's National Park. We did a few hikes, hung out in the motel and enjoyed the warm weather. One highlight of the trip was listening to Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows on the drive to and from St. George. It made the car ride so much more enjoyable. Olivia was an excellent baby during the trip but she didn't sleep so well in the motel. For the most part I was able to keep her on her sleeping schedule. Santa bought Olivia an awesome backpack for her to ride in when we go hiking and she finally got to use it.

I guess the ride down was so comfortable she even fell asleep.

Hanging out in the motel


Jenny said...

I'm glad to hear you finally got to take Olivia hiking! You posted about that a lot when you were pregnant and I'm sure she had a great time!

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures!! Sweet Olivia is just beautiful. I love the pic where she feel asleep on the hike. So precious!! My kids never sleep well in hotels, either. It sounds like you guys had a good getaway, though.

Alabama Apples said...

What a fun break. She is adorable in her pink jacket, I especially love the picture of her sleeping. I love it when children sleep! ;) I'm glad you were able to go hiking. It seems like something you all love to do. It is fun to regain things you did before babies.

Julie said...

That backpack looks awesome! Actually looks comfy to sleep in. That picture is adorable. Olivia is getting so big!