Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What else did we do?

So we have done a ton of stuff but I didn't always take pictures or bring the camera unfortunately. Mike and I did a super sprint triathlon in May and it was so much fun. It was freezing and my toes were frozen for all of the bike and 75% of the run but I can't wait to do another if I can find the time.

Mother's day weekend we went to park city and we spent a lot of time at the pool which Olivia loves.

We have gone on a few hikes and bike rides but no pictures to share. On the bright side Mike did order a sweet camera which should be arriving sometime soon. It is long overdue. We have a great cannon supershot but after 5 years and heavy use and being dropped several times it is time for an upgrade. We are hoping to get higher quality photos. I was inspired to get a new one because my friend Michelle had a nicer camera and I could tell the difference in picture quality.

We went on a hike to the wind caves about two weeks ago and it was so much fun. Olivia absolutely loves to ride in the backpack. Hopefully I will have more pictures and adventures to share.


Julie said...

Love your random updates. You're finally catching us up! I just got Chris a new point and shoot camera for father's day. It's waterproof (up to 10m), and dust/sand proof. He has a nice sony one, but he never takes it anywhere b/c it's such a hassle. So now we can go to the beach and the pool and not worry about the camera getting broken by the elements!