Thursday, August 4, 2011

Olivia and her broken leg

We have a pipe that runs under our driveway for the canal water. Olivia was running on the driveway and looking back and she was probably expecting the hillside but ran off where the pipe was and landed on her leg wrong. It was atleast a foot drop off but probably more and when your three that is quite a ways to fall.

Anyway she took it like a trooper and her leg has healed up very well. This picture is the week we brought the baby home from the hospital. We have come a long way since then. We got rid of her binky, got her cast taken off and finally potty trained her.

On a side note Olivia stopped taking naps and I only let her have her binky if she is napping or sleeping so it was just the right time to take it away. I let her cut her binky and she had done this a few weeks before with MIke to another binky so she was aware of how permanent it was. She was pretty sad for the first few days. She took the binky with her to bed and held it in her mouth but she got over it. I have caught her a few times trying to suck on Hazel's binky but overall it hasn't been bad at all.


Captivating Sparkle said...

aww... she looks sooo cute here!