Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Labor & Delivery

So if you have been following my post you know that I was concerned that Olivia was breech and I thought she had turned last week which was a great relief. Tuesday morning about 6 in the morning I started experiencing the most excruciating pain (felt like a menstrual cramp times 100). I wasn't sure it was a contraction but then they started coming every 12 minutes and I tried to labor on the ball and I finally woke up Mike. Around 7 AM Mike called our doula because the contractions were starting to get really intense.

I was expecting labor to be a slow process like a contraction here and a contraction there. I thought it was going to slowly build up from 3-4 contractions an hour eventually turning into 5 minutes apart. Boy was I wrong. Mine started without a warning and were so close together.

Around 7:30 AM our doula arrived and she was helping Mike and I try different laboring positions. I was having back labor and we were able to get Olivia to move so that went away eventually. I ate some toast and Mike made me a smoothie while I was laboring. Around 10:30 AM my contractions were 5 minutes apart and I felt like I needed to push so we went to the hospital.

When I checked in I was ready to continue the labor in the hot tub. The nurse checked me and I was 100% effaced but not dilated at all. Then she did an ultrasound and saw that Olivia was breech and the environment in the laboring room totally changed. I felt like a piece of dead meat being attacked by vultures. All these people came in and my doctor showed up and I was being prepped for a c-section.

I decided to do a c-section instead of asking to do a vaginal breech birth. Personally I thought the risks for Olivia were too high especially since it was my first baby. While being prepped and waiting to get a spinal block, I was laying on the bed and my back labor returned. FYI: Laying down in the bed is not a great way to labor.

Since I had labored at home for so long, they were worried that Olivia would come vaginally so my c-section ended up bumping everyone else who had a scheduled c-section. I went in for surgery around 11:30 AM. The morphine made me sick and I started vomiting during the surgery and all that wonderful strawberry smoothie came back up. Mike kept me company during the surgery and my doula took pictures.

Olivia was born at 12:01 PM. It was great to finally hear her cry. The surgery took longer than expected because the doctor had a difficult time stopping my bleeding. Afterwards I was so exhausted. I stayed in the hospital until Friday afternoon. I was a little disappointed that I had a c-section but I would rather play it safe. It was rough because I wasn't expecting to have a c-section and I didn't know recovery would be so difficult the first few days.

In the end I am glad that I was able to labor until my contractions were 5 minutes apart. I am glad that Mike and I hired a doula. Her knowledge was so extremely helpful and next time we will know what to expect and have a bunch of laboring techniques to use.


Brenda said...

I'm so glad that she is finally here and that you are both healthy. I commend you for making the decision that was right for you, Mike and the baby. Sometimes it is hard to know what to do when things don't go as planned... at least for me. I read on your Facebook comment that you are going to the pediatric orthopedic surgeon. Is everything ok with Olivia? I hope so. Congratulations new mommy!! She's beautiful!

Married Mannings said...

Hope all goes well with you and your recovery and your new baby! As a child born via c-section :) I can speak from experience (okay not really any experience), and say that I turned out to be great and obedient child. I know Olivia will be perfect too!!

Haylee Munk Brown said...

Wow Sandy! Everytime I hear a birthing story I think that women are amazing! You are definitely no exception! I am glad that you are both alright, and am so excited for you!!

Heidi and Matt said...

OH I am so glad she is finally here. I am sorry that you couldn't have her completely "naturally" but she is here and healthy! She is such a cutie too. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Baby Olivia!! How fun to have her here. It was neat to read her birth story. It is frusterating not to be able to have everything go as planned...I am finding out the is the norm w/ kids, though. ;) I am super glad she is here and both you and your sweet daughter are healthy.

Garth and Alicia said...

I am so proud of you. What a story. You are very brave. Thanks for sharing.

Julie said...

Thanks for sharing! I love hearing birth stories! It is so interesting to me! You sound like you did really well! Good for you!

Jenny said...

Yeah, the full story! I'm just glad both you and Olivia are doing good. Hope the recovery goes quickly. Exercising during pregnancy will help and was a wise move. Please keep us updated on all the "firsts" sure to come!

Lithie said...

oh wow!!!! Sandy so happy baby livia is here! i gotta come by!!!!
i'll call you later