Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Random thoughts...

Mike and I would like to have our kids fairly close in age and the other day I was thinking "I wouldn't mind trying to get pregnant when Olivia is 18 months old." Then I got sick yesterday and I threw up in the morning and since my stomach was empty I threw up bile. Then all the memories came flashing back of when I was pregnant and how I threw up everyday for 5 months. Not fun. Hopefully the next time around I won't be as sick.

I am going back to work next Monday and even though I will only be working part-time in December I am sad about it. :( Hopefully this month will help me transition into going back full-time next month. Mike and I found a great babysitter in our ward and she has a baby about 3 months older than Olivia so I am not worried about that. Ever since Olivia was born I have spent almost all my time with her and I know her schedule and everything she needs by heart. I bet every mom feels like no one can take care of their baby as good as they can not even their husband.

Since Mike is in school studying civil engineering I am the only one working. I work at the university so Mike gets half tuition and we get great health benefits and my salary is pretty decent so it makes sense for me to keep working. I am hoping that Mike gets a really great internship this summer and then we can reassess our options then. Next year Mike will be a senior and if worse comes to worse I only have to work another year.

I am thankful that I have been able to stay at home with Olivia as long as I have. I am thankful for having a wonderful job. I am thankful for having a great husband that is working hard in school so I don't have to work in the future and for him being supportive with everything I do. And I am thankful for my friends and family and anyone who has given me baby advice.


Haylee Munk Brown said...

What a great post! Your posts are always so eloquent and I love to read them. I hope that everything works out with going back to work, it must be hard. I catch myself wondering about that future sometimes. Good luck!!

Brenda said...

Going back to work after having a baby can be hard... at least it was for me. I worked until Gabe was about 20 months old. I only worked part time but it was still difficult. When I went back to school I decided that I would do school around my family's schedule. It has worked well and amazingly enough I have been able to do it without someone else taking care of my kids!! I hope this transition goes easy for you.

KIRSTEN said...

Your little girl is absolutely beautiful, and although you have to go back to work which results in someone else taking care of her ... she will always know that you are her mom. The best part, is that you will be able to see her excited face each day when you pick her up!!

Alabama Apples said...

I'm sorry. It would be hard. I worked part time after Josiah was born. It is hard to leave them, but things have a way of working out. Olivia will always know you love her best. My sister in law has her little boy in care and she says she loves picking him up in the evening, because he's so excited to see her (he's 13 mo.). Hugs and kisses to you.

Jenny said...

It may be a tough transition but from one working mom to another, your baby knows who you are, won't forget you, and will enjoy having new friends. Seriously, Pearl asks for her little friends at daycare everyday. It's a good break and I think somedays I'm probably a better mom for getting a few hours away. Everyone has to make decisions based on where they are in life and it sounds like you are doing the very best thing for your family. And yes, it's hard thinking how can anyone else figure out what my baby does, what her little cries mean, when she wants to eat or sleep but you know what, someone else will figure it out too and I know that Olivia will be loved by her babysitter! Good luck and if you ever need someone to cry on or complain to, give me a call!