Tuesday, November 9, 2010


We went to Park City this past weekend and it was so much fun. Unfortunately I forgot our camera and took zero pictures. Olivia loved that we got to go swimming everyday. She is such a fish. The only thing that sucked was the long drive to and from. It was a nice way to ring in November.

Olivia thinks laptops are touch screen because iphones and ipads are touchscreens. And one thing that drives Mike nuts are fingerprints on the computer screen. So it sometimes isn't even worth trying to do anything on the laptop with Olivia but it is quite entertaining watching her try to navigate the laptop.

And I am a very big believer that red raspberry tea supplements makes morning sickness not as bad. I took them before I got pregnant and the whole beginning but when I moved to Boise I really slacked and that is when I got really sick again. And there have been other occasions I forgot to take them for several days and I could tell by how bad my morning sickness got. While it doesn't totally make MS go away it is much much better than what it could be.

Chick Filet just opened on the BSU campus and I tried my first sandwich and I have to say that I am totally impressed. It was delicious. Now I know what all the rave reviews are about.

Thanksgiving is approaching fast. But I have already started listening to Christmas music. Olivia loves Jingle Bells and I love to hear her sing it. And it might finally snow in Boise tonight. I can't wait.

Hopefully I can end 2010 with a bang. Lot of things happened this year, good and bad but hopefully it can end on a high note.


Alabama Apples said...

Oooh, bring on Christmas!! I love Thanksgiving in itself, but to me it can help me feel the Christmas spirit even more. I can't believe you guys are getting snow. It has been so long since I've been there. I'm glad there is something that can help you feel a little better :) Blehh! to morning sickness! Olivia sounds like such a cutie! I love the ages of 2 and 3. What fun! She is going to go gaga about Christmas this year and just wait until next year-it gets even more fun!