Tuesday, June 17, 2008

100 days and counting

Starting tomorrow my official countdown begins. I will have 100 days left but obviously the baby may come early or late. I know I still have quite a bit of time left but with every passing day the reality that I have another human being inside of me becomes more apparent and one day she will be here and Mike and I will be responsible for taking care of another person. Kind of scary.

In the past week or so the baby has become quite an acrobat. At first I was so excited to feel her move and her movement was quite sporadic but now she moves all the time and her most active hours are from 9 pm to midnight. When I am getting ready for bed I feel like a party is taking place in my belly.

I have read quite a few books on pregnancy, taking care of a newborn, nursing and the latest book I finished was Raising Baby Green by Dr. Alan Greene. One section that caught my attention was cloth diapering. I am seriously considering cloth diapering while I am on maternity leave and I am in the process of collecting information so if anyone has tried it or knows of a great forum/discussion board please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Wow, 100 days. Yippee for you!! I remember my babies would "get jiggy with it" around those same hours. I tried my hardest to send them "sleep vibes", but they have a mind of their own...that doesn't change once they're out either. ;)

Married Mannings said...

Me and most of my siblings all wore cloth diapers when we were babies. There used to be a company in Salt Lake that did laundry service specifically for cloth diapers. You had to store them in this bucket container, and then they would pick it up and then leave clean ones. I don't know if they're still around though.

Married Mannings said...

And I also think that it's great that you're looking for green options. I'm trying to get into all that too. I worry that my future children will be born into a community full of too much garbage and pollution.

Jenny said...

Let the countdown begin! How fun, now it will get more and more real. Don't worry you two will be great parents. My aunt used cloth diapers with all 6 of her kids. I can ask her where she bought supplies. I know she laundered them herself too. Me, I'm too much of a whimp to do that much laundry.

Jenny said...

Let the countdown begin! How fun, now it will get more and more real. Don't worry you two will be great parents. My aunt used cloth diapers with all 6 of her kids. I can ask her where she bought supplies. I know she laundered them herself too. Me, I'm too much of a whimp to do that much laundry.

carli said...

I'm not a wimp to do that much laundry but too big of a wimp to change the poopies. But too those who can I look up to and admire!!

Alabama Apples said...

Hooray! I always loved the wiggles-well, most of the time ;). Uggh...I'm not so sure about cloth diappies...but, if you're up to it-great for you! I'm not that green or vigilant in diaper, clothes changing, etc. I'm really excited for you, Mike and baby girl...yeah! Just thinking of a baby Sandy (and Mike) makes me smile!