Friday, June 6, 2008

Wow! My belly moves.

Last night after I put some lotion on my belly I was admiring how much my belly has grown and I saw my belly pop up. I thought I was hallucinating at first so I waited again and I saw it pop up in the same place. I put my hand right on top of it and I felt the baby kick my hand. It was so amazing and I was so so excited because I thought maybe Mike could feel it too.

The baby was moving all over (she is very active at night starting around 9 pm). She moved and I could feel her kicking against my stomach and against my organs and I had Mike feel and he said it felt like gas. His comment hurt my feelings because I wanted him to be as excited as I was because I knew it wasn't gas. Oh well. Maybe when she gets stronger he will feel it.


Shelly Traveller said...

I kind of feel bad for guys that they don't get to actually get to experiance that. It is kind of crazy having something moving around inside of you and it kind of looks freaky from the outside and as soon as you say look, it stops. But I totally know the feeling of wanting to share that.

Hayley said...

Trust me, he will feel it soon enough. I loved that feeling, and really missed it after I had my babies. Good luck! ;)

Jenny said...

I remember the first time Jeff finally felt Pearl moving around and it happened just like yours - all of the sudden I could see my stomach moving. I had felt her move before then but never on the outside. Just wait until you're 9 months pregnant and your whole stomach moves over to one side. Totally bizarre but you'll miss it! I would freak everytime she stopped moving because she was so active in the day. She must have worn herself out after a few days of doing cartwheels and kicking me like crazy! Enjoy these moments and Mike will feel her kick soon enough.

Charee B Mcclellan said...

Sandy you are going to be such a fun mom- there are so many more things that will excite you for sure!! Hope you are still feeling good!

Brooke said...

Guys are just jealous!! But it does get pretty crazy as the months go on!! Pretty soon you will be able to feel her so well that you won't be able to sleep! That is pretty crzy!!

Alabama Apples said...

Hooray for little girl!!!!! I comment is a little late. I'm back from OK and all in one piece...not so sure how I'll be in a couple of weeks after the "in-law" get together... I love it when my belly moves! Well, until the baby's ginormous and your belly can't stretch anymore (that's when Kit calls it the alien's egg). Your trip looks so fun!!! Your belly is adorable and round.

Anonymous said...

I love it when my belly moves!! It is one of the best things about pregnancy.