Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bad news and Good news

I went to the doctor's today for my weekly check up and the bad news is baby Olivia is breech but the good news is I still have 30 days until my due date so that should be plenty of time for her to turn over. My blood pressure is a little high but I know the cause of that is because work has been super busy/stressful and I have been working long hours. Hopefully next week things will die down and I will be able to take it easy.

I saw my doula on Tuesday and she went through a couple of birthing positions and exercises with Mike and I. All we have to do now is practice. I received a foot zone on Wednesday which was nice but Kathy said my feet were so puffy it was like zoning a balloon. They both recommended that I started walking daily and honestly I haven't wanted to do anything lately but if it will help the swelling I should give it a try. After my last hypnobirthing class on Wednesday I went on a 1 mile walk and I tried to walk as fast as I could and my swelling actually went down once I got home which is amazing because my feet are usually the worst at night. So my new goal is to take a vigorous walk to help my circulation and get more oxygen in my lungs to help my energy level and in the long run my labor/delivery should be easier.

After taking the hypnobirthing class and reading some books and practicing the relaxation techniques I feel very prepared and ready for the labor and deliver. The bad news is I am a little nervous about bringing a new born baby home. I know everything will work out but I worry that I won't know what to do at the right time. Oh well.


Anonymous said...

My dad has been taking some classes on accupuncture and he told me and Whit (she pregnant and her 1st baby was she's a bit more sensitive to her baby being breech again) that you can get accupuncture to flip-flop your baby do have to do it late in your pregnancy though, because it can put you into labor.
Good for you for walking...even when you were super tired, I am sure. That is great that your swelling went down!
You will be a great mom, I am sure. If you have any questions, you email me, or Lib...we're pretty practiced at the baby thing. ;) I would reccomend reading What to Expect the First Year (by the same author of What to Expect When You're Expecting). It might have some useful info that can put your mind at ease.

Alabama Apples said...

I agree with Steph, great book. You'll do fine, is scary, but we do have instincts that help :). Try to relax, things will be fine! I wish I was there to see you and new baby! I can't believe you only have a month left! Wahoo!

Julie said...

That is great that you are getting all ready! I think it is totally normal to be nervous and I have to tell you, it is amazing the instinct that kicks in when that baby is crying! You want the baby to be happy, so you figure it out really quick, and you can always ask people too! Also the book Steph recommended is great, I loved it so much.

Jenny said...

Sandy don't freak out too much about the baby. No one knows what they're doing and well, you just figure it out as you go along! It will be worth all the pregnancy woes and just get baby Olivia here safe and sound. Good luck!