Wednesday, August 6, 2008

High Blood Pressure

A lot has been going on but I have been just too lazy to post or more like avoiding it because I was a little worried. Last week I had a doctor's appointment and my blood pressure was unusually high for me. The nurse measured it at 110/80 twice and then had me lay down on my side and measured it again at 110/75 which doesn't seem high but my blood pressure has normally been around 110/55 or 110/60 during my pregnancy. The doctor was a little concerned because it had jumped so much but I didn't have protein in my urine, my feet and hands weren't swollen and I haven't had any headaches. But I had gained 5 lbs in one month. So I had to go back in one week and he recommended that I take it easy and whenever I got the chance to lay down and prop my feet up. Basically he said he didn't want to tell me that I have to quit my job and go on bedrest unless it was necessary and if you know me going on bedrest would be a nightmare.

So I tried to take it easy but it was hard the first few days but on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday I got plenty of rest and I went in today and my blood pressure was okay. Unfortunately still gaining a lot of weight but that is a topic I don't like to discuss. It was still high for me but nothing to be concerned about yet. He said that toxemia progresses very rapidly so if I was going to get it I would have gotten it but I still have to take it easy. Much easier said than done. Why? The month of August is the busiest time of the year for me at work and that is when I usually work long days but I have devised a plan that should elevate the stress of working on the computer all day. It will still be somewhat stressful to get ready for fall semester and wrap up my projects before Olivia comes but I think I will be able to manage.