Tuesday, July 29, 2008


1. Link the person who tagged you...Liberty
2. Post these rules.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them

1. Laundry. I don't mind sorting, washing or drying the clothes but I hate to fold them and put them away. When I was single I use to leave my clean clothes in a basket and pick through it and when it was time to do the laundry again I would finally put them away. Mostly because I needed the laundry basket. Unfortunately I haven't gotten any better since I have been married. If you were to come to my apartment you would see baskets and baskets of clean clothes and if Mike and I can't find something we are looking for it is probably still in the dryer.

2. I hate having a stuffy nose. It is probably by habit now but I always blow my nose in the morning, in the shower and at night even if I don’t need to. My ritual at night is getting toilet paper and rolling it up and sticking it into my nose to get those boogers that might be lingering. Lucky for me Mike has never said anything about it. So being congested during this pregnancy has been really hard because it doesn't matter how much I blow, how much toilet paper I use nothing has provided me with all night relief.

3. Whenever Mike and I leave for a couple days even if it is the weekend I have this obsessive compulsive urge to clean the house before I leave. Wash the dishes, make the bed, take the garbage out, and clear anything on the floor. I know when Mike and I were first married it use to drive him nuts because we would be packing for a trip and I was concerned about cleaning the house. I just think it is nice to come home to a clean house after being away for a few days. I am a lot more relaxed about it now but Mike even helps me clean now before we leave.

4. I hate hair. I wish humans didn't have any hair on our heads and everyone was bald then I wouldn't have to worry keeping it short, growing it long, blow drying it, curling it, straightening it or buying hair product. Even though I am not a hairy person I get paranoid about hair on my upper lip, in my pits and on my legs. Really though I probably shave my legs every couple of weeks and I don't have enough armpit hair to justify shaving it so I just tweeze them. I do try to pluck my brows weekly.

5. Deodorant. I don't own a stick of deodorant and I haven't worn any for many many years. I really don't have body odor. When I work out I sweat like a hog but it doesn't matter how much I sweat I don't really stink.

6. OCD I picked up that sometimes drives Mike nuts. I am not as bad as I use to be but these things use to drive me nuts when I was first married. Having the TV, lights or electronics on when no one is in the room. 99.9% of the time I lock my car doors which drives Mike nuts. I hate when Mike leaves the water running when he brushes his teeth.

I am tagging Susiane, Mandy, Nia, Brooke, Shelly and Julie


Charee B Mcclellan said...

this was great to read.... these are a great ways to get to know people beter. Thanks for sharing. i was sooooo congested when i was pregnant also. I love to clean the house spotless before i leave on a trip, i am very ecko friendly also, no water running, no lights and so on. we both are the same one some of those things. it's good to have these quirks! fun fun

Anonymous said...

How funny! I too need my house clean before I leave, it makes coming home so much nicer. That is great that Mike helps out a bit. Thanks for the post, it was fun!

Jenny said...

The stuffy nose quirk brings back "fond" memories of pregnancy which unfortunately is 9 months of a stuffy nose. I should have picked you, Liberty, and Steph to live with in college!!! You three are clean freaks and between the four of us, nothing would have ever been out of order.

Alabama Apples said...

I'm TOTALLY the same way about clean house for trips! Kit makes fun of me 'cause I'll be up really late cleaning only to be getting up at 5 for the drive in the morning...but coming home to a clean house....ahhhh....

Julie said...

I can't believe you don't need to where deodorant! That is so funny! I am 100% with you on leaving the house clean. There is nothign worse then getting home from a trip and having a messy house!

Shelly Traveller said...

Justin rolls up toilet paper and sticks it up his nose every night, I thought he was the only one that did that, he'll be glad to know he's not the only one. And that is cool that you don't stink, your a very lucky girl!

I'll get going on my list :)