Monday, March 10, 2008

Pregnancy and Men

So obviously this pregnancy hasn't been a fun and easy one so far. And even though I read a few books before I got pregnant, nothing really prepared me for this fun adventure. The books mention sickness and the changes your body goes through but none of those descriptions really explain the weird things that happen.

I have always thought of myself as someone that has fairly high pain tolerance but the changes I have been experience have got me thinking lately "What do men experience that would be remotely similar to what women experience during pregnancy, labor and postpartum?"

Anyway I would love to hear comments/experiences about what everyone thinks because I am assuming all women who have been pregnant have thought something similar to this before.


Alabama Apples said...

I've totally thought about this! I don't really think it is fair...believe me, I don't think there is ANYTHING quite like pushing a baby out w/out meds!! I've heard kidney stones are really painful. Also appendicitis, but I had that and it isn't the same, to me. I still think labor is the worst pain - not to scare you. The contractions hurst like the devil, but really pushing the boys out was almost like a painful relief. I was just so glad to have them out I could push past the pain. Hmmm, I wish there was something Kit could experience that would feel the same. He always tells me he has to feel my fingernails in his arms during the contraction and that is pain enough for him. Uggh! Seriously though, he says he hates watching me in labor 'cause he wants to fix it, make it go away and he says there is nothing as awful as the helplessness he feels. He says he knows he is placing my life in the hands of the dr.s and the Lord. It is the hardest leap of faith, he says. Sweet, but sometimes I just think boo-hoo!! ;)

Sandy said...

Thanks for being totally honest. It cracks me up.

It is probably my hormones raging but sometimes I want to ripe Mike's head off when he suggest that I change my attitude about the morning sickness I might feel better. Luckily he apologizes because he knows if he keeps saying more he will dig himself a hole so big he won't be able to get out.

Anonymous said...

Ooo, how funny! I have totally thought this. In fact, after the kids were born (I HATE postpartum) I just tell Phillip "you have no idea wat I am going through, you have NO idea"!! Really, like Lob said, I think that the only thing close enough would probably be being sick from app. and pushing out a kidney stone. Hmmm, how many guy have had to do either of those things and every person you see had be the product of a pregnancy. I don't think the odds are in our favor. :) Oh well. Babies come from pregnancy and there really isn't anything I wouldn't do for my kiddos. You make it. Just let Mike in on all your pain and suffering. ;)

Anonymous said...

I reread that I ment LIB, not Lob. How funny. Sorry, Greyson is sitting next to me and trying to type along w/me. :S