Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Treking along...

I haven't posted for a while and so much has happened it would be to much to post so I won't. I started back to work full time on Monday and I am still adjusting to the craziness. Mike takes Olivia to the sitter before class and I pick her up during my lunch break and spend about 2 hours with her. Then Mike comes home from school and I go back to work until five. I have been working late since I have been so busy but hopefully I can get home by five in the future.

It is just madness packing the baby and taking her to and from the house but hopefully after 2-3 weeks Mike and I can get use to this routine. My goal for next week is to start going to the gym in the mornings before work then Mike can go when I get home from work. Basically my life is madness right now trying to get into a routine and fit in all the things I need to do in life. Hopefully when I become a stay at home mom things will become easier but I am thinking probably not.


Charee B Mcclellan said...

I hear ya when it comes to having to pack bags, and getting everything ready for the sitter. I really don't care for it much. In a way it gets better, but then when you have to start packing makes it hard cuz he is picky and who knows if he will eat it or not. The worse part is ripping him out of bed in the morning when he is sleeping so good and it is cold and yucky out. I hate 7am!!! anyways sorry to tell you all of my problems, but just when I was reading your post I was saying AMEN the whole time. good luck with the busyness!

Jenny said...

Agreed! I don't think it ever gets easier, just different craziness! I still can't get to work on time and we've been doing this for 18 months. Ah but just enjoy that lunch with Olivia, that's the best part and makes it easier to go to work.

Julienne said...

Good luck! That made me tired just reading it I can only imagine how you two feel.

Julie said...

Sorry life is so crazy for you! I remember at the beginning with Kate, we were pretty overwhelmed too, it definitely took us a while. Then all of a sudden, you realize it is so easy (which is about the time you find out you are having twins!) I hope you get adjusted quickly, but it'll happen!

Alabama Apples said...

Whew! Just reading your post made me tired! IT sounds like life is really crazy...but things get better. I find life starts to work as a routine (mostly :P) Good luck figuring it all out! I'm thinking of you!!