Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just chugging along

Not much happening here. Just kidding. Olivia is growing so fast it amazes me. I have noticed she loves to spending a lot of time by my side lately even if it is just laying around in the bed for half the morning. She also has an amazing appetite. She has really chunked up and there hasn't been a meal she has turned in a very long time. She is still helping me clean the dishes and cook. She even helps me pick up her toys at night and she always volunteers to say prayers every night. She absolutely loves bath time and she loves it whenIi join her but my belly is getting big very fast so we probably wont be able to do that much longer. One of her favorite movies right now is Mulan. Olivia thinks she is a warrior and loves to do sword fights with Mike. She can count to twelve and is getting really good at singing church songs with me. She prefers to read books at bed time instead of sing and she always has certain toys that have to lay in the bed with her. Anyway I just wanted to capture these thoughts because she grows so fast and time flies and next thing I know she has moved onto another stage.

Sometimes I worry how she will react when the baby comes. I am pretty sure that she will be jealous. Mike thinks she will take it really well but I imagine it will be quite a shock for her to have to share the limelight even though she will enjoy being the big sister. I will admit that I am a little worried how I will transitioni from one child to two children. My goal is to breastfeed and I think this time I will have a better handle on things because I know what to expect. Number one I will recognize a lot faster if I have post partum depression, two it is a learning process for both of us and I should try my hardest and hopefully by week six I will be more comfortable. Olivia clicked her tongue when she nursed andIi was worry that she wasn't getting enough milk or she was swallowing too much air. Lesson learned was she did the same exact thing when she was bottle fed and eventually grew out of it. Third lesson I learned was it hurts like hell and that is normal until my nipple gets use to it. And maybe if I tell myself i don't have a choice it will me out because pumping for nine months was a labor of love and looking back I can't believe I did it for so long.

One issue we have been dealing with is Olivia resisting taking here nap. She use to take one at one thirty every afternoon and then she stopped. Mike learned that she was much more willing to take one later in the afternoon around three which means she sleeps much later. Usually past five. The problem with that is she is not tired at her usual bedtime fo eight thirty. And even if I let her stay up till nine or nine thirty I am pretty sure she doesn't fall sleep until after ten. So I was reading some books and they said she might be ready to drop her nap but we decided that was a bad idea. My new plan is to wake her up earlier like seven in the morning and hopefully that will bump her nap time to at least two and not let her sleep past four. Any advice would be appreciated like when your toddler stopped napping regularly.

Pregnancy. May seems so so far away. I don't remember It being this uncomfortable already. It is probably because I have a toddler to take care of this time. On a daily basis I am counting down the months, the weeks, and sometimes the days. I figure it won't be a countdown until I am 36 weeks and even then it will be a slow one. Everything is just so different this time plus I have a lot of other things going on in life. I am super super excited for the baby to get here. My plan is to do a VBAC and i think I am going to be really prepared this time for the labor and pain with the class Mike and I are taking so I haven't worried about that much. I still need to figure out who we can leave Olivia with during the delivery and how I am going to get more than six weeks of maternity leave from work. Oh yeah. We still need to find a name we both agree on. I suspect it might take us a lot longer than last time. The nice thing about having the baby is I will forgot all these unpleasant moments of pregnancy and one day I will actually want to have another baby.


Courtney said...

I am dreading when Brooke gets to the stage where she gives up her nap. Luckily with us, we're up by 6:30 so by 1 she is pretty tired! I've only heard from friends that when their kids didn't want to nap, they'd introduce "quiet time". For some people that meant watching a movie for others it meant playing independently in their room for an hour or so. Just do what works best for you!

Julie said...

How does Olivia do when you just can't give her a nap and she doesn't get one for the day? What time is she tired at for bed? We thought Ryleigh was dropping her nap for a while, but we realized by 3 or 4pm she was DONE and ready to go to bed for the night. So we started enforcing quiet time. She HAS to go to bed between 11 and 1 and she HAS to stay in there for minimum 2 hours. We told her she didn't have to nap, but she had to stay in her bed until we came to get her. She started sleeping for 1 hour or so, then wake up talking. If we left her alone, she'd go back to sleep within 30 minutes or so for another hour plus.

You reminded me that I need to remember to be just as diligent with the blogging when it's time for baby #2. I blogged a TON for Ryleigh and made it into a book to look back on and see what happened with my first pregnancy. Think it would be cool to do for each pregnancy.

I can't wait to find out what name you agree on. I love Olivia's name, so I'm curious to see what you come up with this time around :)

Alabama Apples said...

Unfortunately I don't have any good advice for you in regards to napping. All of my boys quit napping between 17-24 months. I made sure they were in bed by 7, but they just wouldn't nap. However, we did keep a quiet time. They looked at books some days and watched a movie, etc. others.

Pregnancy did get harder on my body with each baby. Things loosened much quicker, so I had more ligament complaints, etc. I also noticed I had to rest, or at least sit down more. I love the baby at the end, so it did seem worth it to keep doing it for 4 of them! :)

Jenny said...

Pearl never naps at home! It drives me bonkers but it's not worth the 3 hour battle to try and get her to have a nap. Maybe you could just have "quiet time" in her room for an hour. And it will be an adventure when #2 gets here. Pearl went from being a momma's girl to dad's "best friend" as she dubbed it. I think it was her way of understanding why I was always taking care of Cole. But it really hasn't been bad at all.