Thursday, March 27, 2008

Almost a whole week...

I almost made it a whole week without throwing up but unfortunately my streak was broken last night. For the most part I have been feeling really good except for the achy joints and muscles so I was surprised that I threw up last night.

My initial reaction is to do nothing and stay at home and be a couch potatoe but I know that hasn't been working well for me. So I forced myself to go work out today and I actually feel pretty good so far. Hopefully spring will be coming to Cache Valley soon and being in the sun will be some good motivation.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week 13

Good news is I haven't thrown up in almost a week. I get gaggy sometimes but I am able to keep all my food contained in my stomach. The indigestion has gotten a lot better. Unfortunately the doctor said most women get indigestion during the third trimester and it just gets worse and worse as time goes on.

I still get headaches but they mostly come in the evenings or early in the morning but I can usually sleep them off. I received a foot zone last week and the bad news is my lymph is backed up and my back isn't getting enough blood circulating. I am not surprised considering all I do is sit at the computer all day at work and come home and sit/lay on the couch. Plus I haven't drank nearly enough water in the past two months. The scary thing is my foot zone therapist said if I don't get my lymph under control I am at high risk for toxemia. And from what I have read toxemia can be really dangerous for the mom and baby.

Since I have been feeling better my goal is to start working out again even if it is only taking a walk. And I can drink water now without feeling nauseous. If I can get my 80oz of water and exercise regularly my lymph system should be good.

I did go to the gym yesterday and I did the elliptical for 20 minutes and boy was that a workout. I did a few lunges and squats and other lifts and called that good. I know my butt will just keep getting bigger but I figure I can hopefully control the flab. And if I can't control the flab it feels good to be working out and breaking sweat.

In the past month or so I have felt like my body is just falling apart. My joints feel achy especially my knees. My knees have been throbbing with pain all morning. I am finally icing and heating them. My back is killing me so I starting icing and heating that too. I heard that swimming can help the joint pain so I am planning on going to the therapy pool today. That is all for my update this week.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Insomnia anyone?

I finally hit 12 weeks and the nausea was subsiding a little bit but not quite gone. I am finally starting to figure out how to control my indigestion and then it hits me. I haven't had a good night sleep for 3 days. The past 3 months I could take a nap after work and still sleep like a log at night but just recently I can lay in bed for hours, read a book, watch tv and not even get drowsy.

The no sleep thing just perpetuates my headache and now I am just really grumpy. Who isn't when they don't get enough sleep?

Anyone ever experience a period of insomnia while they were pregnant? Any advice or tips would be really appreciated.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Joys of Pregnancy...

So I basically have a love hate relationship with food. I can't let my stomach get empty or I will throw up but I can never eat a full meal because my digestion has slowed down so much if I eat a regular meal (which is too much food) I throw up and/or experience heartburn.

The upside of things this week is I am not nauseas all the time. The downside is when I have to throw up I get no warning what-so-ever. The other day I threw up on the side of the street on my walk from work to my car. Mortifying. Vomiting and crying are two things I always want to do in the privacy of my own home. I guess I would feel embarrassed if a stranger or acquaintance saw me doing either.

I never realized that pregnancy would take over my life. When I get sick or pull a muscle I can usually take something to alleviate the symptoms or going to sleep helps me forget. Unfortunately every moment I have I am usually affected by the pregnancy. I really can't take much in medication to help the nausea, headaches, body aches and pains. When I sleep at night I can expect to wake up at least twice a night to use the restroom. Sometimes I have to wake up to eat something or throw up. Yesterday I went to the grocery store but when I got there I forgot what I was suppose to buy. So basically I feel dumb all the time. I am more irritated than usual. I can go from a 1 to a 10 on a scale of anger in a few seconds. I swear I can feel my blood boil when it happens which is so uncharacteristic of me. I am usually the type of person who holds things in and bottles it up. Usually I hate to eat because I don't want to throw up but when I am hungry I am hungry NOW. Not 5 minutes from now not 10 minutes from now. I need food in my stomach ASAP.

12 weeks starts tomorrow so hopefully all these morning sickness symptoms will disappear soon and maybe one day far from now I can laugh about all these joys of pregnancy.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Pregnancy and Men

So obviously this pregnancy hasn't been a fun and easy one so far. And even though I read a few books before I got pregnant, nothing really prepared me for this fun adventure. The books mention sickness and the changes your body goes through but none of those descriptions really explain the weird things that happen.

I have always thought of myself as someone that has fairly high pain tolerance but the changes I have been experience have got me thinking lately "What do men experience that would be remotely similar to what women experience during pregnancy, labor and postpartum?"

Anyway I would love to hear comments/experiences about what everyone thinks because I am assuming all women who have been pregnant have thought something similar to this before.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

First Doctor's Appointment

Mike and I went to our first doctor's appointment and we got the opportunity to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was really cool. Other than that everything was pretty routine.

Yesterday I was super sick and that made up for the couple of days that I didn't throw up. I think I would rather throw up first thing in the morning instead of eating a whole meal and not having it digest and sitting in my stomach for hours and finally making an appearance. It seems like once I get started I can't stop until my stomach has been completely emptied.

Hopefully in a few weeks I will be feeling much better but so far my list of items I won't be eating are oranges and ground beef. The thought of eating candy, cookies or anything sweet makes me sick. Cheese sounds very unappealing too.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

10 Weeks...

I finally have good news. I haven't thrown up in 3 days which is quite an accomplishment considering the past 5 weeks. 1 item down 2 more to go which would be the indigestion and the headaches. The headaches stopped coming every night which is great but I still get them occasionally. The indigestion is terrible though. Before it would start in the late evenings but it is slowly starting earlier and earlier so now I just carry a bottle of mylanta with me to work.

My first doctor's appointment is in 2 days and I am very excited. I don't know what to expect but I am hoping to hear/see the baby's heartbeat.

Other good news is daylight savings is taking place this weekend which means more sunshine and hopefully warm weather soon. And since I have been feeling better this week I think I might actually do something other than lay on the couch all evening.