Saturday, October 4, 2008

Moms who breastfeed deserve a medal

My observation thus far is breastfeeding is not an easy thing to do especially for first time moms. I read a book on breastfeeding and it said it would be painful but I had no idea. At its worst I contemplated stopping but I told myself that I would keep doing it for one more day and see how it goes. Luckily for me I had gotten over the worst of the pain while in the hospital.

Then 3 days later the milk comes in and I had no idea that would be so painful too. Luckily I had a hand pump and was able to relieve some of the pressure. Good thing that only lasts a few days.

I am glad that I stuck with it. Olivia and I are still learning together and I have yet to master nursing in public. We still have feedings that are difficult but luckily there are good feedings too. It helped to tell myself that breast milk is so good for Olivia and hopefully it would help lose those pregnancy pounds.

FYI: One thing that has helped is using lanolin cream to keep the nipples lubricated and using cabbage leaves to relieve soreness. I don't know how the cabbage helps but I know it was a life saver and I am still using cabbage leaves over my nipples until they toughen up.


Laki Girl said...

Amen, couldn't agree more!!! I cried for 3 after the inital 1 month trial with my first, man I felt like a failure after all the headaches but, I'm so happy for mother's who stick to it!!! Great job Mommy Sandy!

Alabama Apples said...

I totally understand! I'm sorry! Good for you for hanging with it. Sorry I haven't commented in a while. My computer has been out of commission. Olivia is so beautiful!!! Seriously. I am glad you and Olivia are fine after your surgery. Despite things not going as planned, I'm glad everything was successful. Give your darling daughter an extra kiss from a wish-I-could-be-there-so-I-could-be-a-surrogate-Auntie. Lots of Love!

Garth and Alicia said...

Yes indeed-a medal! I was in so much pain in the beginning with Palmer. He was almost 6 weeks early with a tiny mouth and never had a nice big latch on. He was a 'tip sipper' and I got little white blisters. Ouch! But I stuck with it and it does get better (it can't get worse). Now at almost 6 months, we are both still going strong. I think you just have to decide that is what you're doing and do it. Little Olivia is so lucky to have you. You are doing the right thing!! I wish we lived closer. I really want to see you all.