Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So Olivia is 3 weeks old today. I would like to thank everyone for all the great advice. I have been letting Olivia eat and sleep on her own schedule which is great. There are some days she gets fussy but other than that she is really calm.

I have been pumping instead of breastfeeding for the past 3 days. I am hoping that in a few weeks we can figure out the breastfeeding thing again but if not I will be pumping exclusively. Pumping is definitely not as rewarding as nursing and it takes up a lot more time since I have to feed Olivia then pump after wards. I was worried that I wasn't feeding her enough and I didn't want her to lose weight since she is already so tiny.

On the weekdays I do the feedings at 11 pm, 3 am and 6 am by myself because I want Mike to be able to get rest for school. Thankfully he helps me out on the weekends so I can get some sleep. I know that I should be pumping 8 times a day with 3 hours in between but time gets away from me and 4-5 hours have passed. Thankfully I have been taking fenugreek (3 capsules), blessed thistle (3 capsuleds) and brewers yeast (2 capsules)three times a day and that has helped me increase milk production. On the humorous side Mike told me the other day while I was pumping that he would never look at my boobs the same way.

On Monday I took Olivia to the orthopedic surgeon and he readjusted her harness since she has grown so much in the past 2 weeks and from his short assessment he said that her hips feel so much better. I guess it helps that she has been in it 24-7 for the past 2 weeks. We will be going back in 2 more weeks to get an ultrasound to see how much progress her hips have made.

Her belly button fell off last week and now it is safe for me to give her a bath. Before I was just giving her sponge baths. She can be out of the harness for 30 minutes a day for a bath. Now I have to figure out how to give her a bath.

I think a lot of the heartache I am having or was having is because this is my first baby and I had no idea what to expect and I am basically learning everything for the first time. Granted every baby is different but hopefully with the next babies I will have a better understanding of what to do/expect and won't have to learn anything new. Plus the baby blues were killing me and the lack of sleep wasn't helping either.

I would have liked to go to church on Sunday but between getting myself ready and the baby and coordinating a schedule to church it seems next to impossible. If you can get your newborn to church in the first month you are freakin' awesome.

Since I have been so short on time recently I will probably be posting less frequently but I will miss reading everyone's blogs. Take care.


Laki Girl said...

I'd just like to say, surviving is still the name of the game at least some of the time anyway. Hope that doesn't damper your hopes of normality. Don't get me wrong it gets easier but I've decided that it's just because you get used to all the chaos :) Good job Mommy and Babee Olivia! Oh of course can't forget get Daddy Mike! :)

Brenda said...

I'm glad you finally found a schedule that works for you and Olivia... Congrats! It is hard work trying to figure out what is best for a new little one. I'm glad her hips look better too. Enjoy her.

Sara said...

I just have to say that you are such a wonderful mommy!! You really are so dedicated to little Olivia. On a side note: I pumped for a month and a half with Zachy so I know how you feel!! I'm glad her hips are making progress also! Good luck with everything and bravo to Mike for being such an awesome daddy!!

Julie said...

I just want to say thank you for updating as much as you have. You give me a realistic perspective of the challenges I have to look forward to in the very near future. I'm glad you are finally getting into a routine that works for you, and in a few more weeks you can start molding that routine to meet a more sane schedule. Are you going back to work after 6 weeks? I give mad props to the moms that do, I know I couldn't. I can't believe it's already been 3 weeks!

Anonymous said...

Surviving...very well put. That's what it's like the first few weeks. Remember--don't forget you are recovering and need your rest as well! The laundry and dishes can wait. Be on survival mode and just do the bare necessities around the house and such (I didn't go to church for about three weeks or so--so, don't fret). You can catch up on the things you've let slide when you can get a routine going.
You're right to try to pump and then pick up breastfeeding in a bit. Do whatever seems to work best for you. You and your baby will be happier. If you have any questions, please ask I'm more than happy to help!! :)

Emily said...

here's the deal,you fake it. I really have let alot of things go that I never thought I would! Plus that you won't remember the bad just all the tender sweet times, otherwise I wouldn't have five!!!

Alabama Apples said...

Yeah for figuring out the best schedule for all of you! You are a wonderful mommy. It does get easier with each baby...because with your first you quickly learn to expect the unexpected. Hooray for losing her belly button! She's growing up so quickly. I'm glad her hips are healing. Remember to get some rest; it is okay to let things go. Love ya!