Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sleeping schedules

Like most parents I am hoping that Olivia will learn how to sleep through the night sometime in the near future. That being said I know that it is a learned behavior and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or experiences they would like to share on what they tried with their kids or what was successful and what failed.

I bought the book "The Sleep Easy Solution" but any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated.


Brooke said...

Hey!! I am in Logan and would love to come see you and the baby! If you are feeling up to it. My phone is dead but my charger is in the mail so as soon as I get it I will call you. Probably thursday.

My favorite schedule for Brielle is from the book On Becoming Babywise. It is seriously the best schedule ever. They start out only being awake an hour at a time and sleep two! Its awesome. If you want to see more of the schedule my friend has it on her blog too...Derek and Hilary...just look for it. It should be easy to find. Oh and the babies are supposed to sleep through the night by the time they are almost three months! If you want to know more let me know!

Brooke said...

Oh and I started Brielle when she was two weeks. It was perfect timing for us.

Rachelle said...

Look on the internet for the ferberization method. I think that is how you spell it. I tried that and it worked excellent. It was only rough for 1 night. He was a little older though just so you know.

Charee B Mcclellan said...

"best baby on the blog" and "baby wise" worked really good until my baby kept getting ear infec. everyone in my neighborhood swears on these two books and i think that they work too....more so baby wise. i didnt follow to a "T" and maybe thats why i didnt have as great of luck, but those that did...say it is wonderful. give it a try, you will love the results!

Melissa said...

When Teagan was little 0-4 months I followed Baby Wise which is basically following the pattern sleep-eat-play through out the day. The only time I nursed him to sleep was at bedtime.

At the begining I really had to try to keep him awake after I fed him. It helped to lay him on a blanket on the floor and talk to him and sing songs ect.

After a while he was on an AMAZING schedule. He'd sleep for 1-2 hours, eat, and then be awake for 1-2 hours. He was eating every 3 hours to the T. Every week he would start sleeping for longer periods of time.

Something else that helped was a really steady bedtime routine. Even now (he's 10 months) we still do the same thing. 1. feed him 2. bath 3. Lotion 4. bottle of saved up milk (I did this so I knew for sure he was full) and then sing lulubys.

He goes down for bed SO easy and it is a really special bonding time.

I know this is insanely long...sorry.

oh ya, now that he's older I follow the book "Healthy Sleep Habits" Julie know more about that though. :) Good luck!

Jenny said...

Sometimes these little things just do what they want so don't get discouraged yet! For us, doing the same routine everyday right from the beginning was the way we got Pearl to figure out night from day. We give her dinner, bath, reading, and then a bottle to make sure she was full. When she was little and still nursing every three hours, we kept her awake (sometimes we felt bad because she was tired) in the evening for as long as possible. Seriously, she was awake (go on walks, sing, play, tummy time, anything you can think of) as soon as Jeff got home from work until bedtime. I think at Olivia's age, we would have begun the bedtime routine about 9 and then she was asleep by 10 or 10:30. I always breastfed her to sleep at night until she was older - that's another battle several months away! I really think they pick up on your schedule so put them to bed when you go to bed and eventually they figure it out. I think Pearl was about 9 weeks old before she slept through the night without any feedings, so hang in there! Then when they get older you can try other techniques. Be persistent and she'll figure things out.

Sara said...

I also used Baby Wise. Each of my kids is sooo different but the technique taught in that book has worked for all three of them! I highly recommend it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I caught up on your posts. It sounds like you are such a trooper! I remember right after I had Cooper I felt that my world had been turned topsy-turvy.
As far as breast feeding goes...keep with it, it will get easier. Don't worry about going out in public yet (it'll get easier), I nursed in my car a lot for privacy, also I got a nursing cover (a lifesaver for the early days). The longer you nurse the older your baby gets and the more she'll understand it. I am such a huge supporter of nursing because I feel like it is such a sacrifice and blessing for mothers and so benificial for baby. You are a great mom!! Things will work out!!

Shelly Traveller said...

The first two months are always alittle blurry but it seems like once they were on a schedule they would wake up in the morning be up for an hour then I would but them down for a nap after they woke up then they would be up for two hours and have a nap and after that nap be awake for 3 hours so I would just remember 1,2,3 between naps and that seemed to help me and around four months old they would wake up for a 3 am (which I knew they were just doing out of habit and not really eating) I would just let them cry themselves back to sleep, it took two nights (but torture for a mom) but they have slept through the night ever since. Goo luck!

I really liked the reasoning behind Dr. Sears schedule, but I'm assuming you have to buy his book to get the actual schedule.