Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Great Finds

I made my first etsy purchase last week. I bought the baby and Olivia some bracelets for very reasonable prices. It is going to be my gift to them when the baby is born. I received the package on Monday and the bracelets were beautiful and the shipping was amazingly fast. This seller also has great handmade beanies for sale which are adorable. Here is the link to her shop:

Ideally I would have the time, skill and determination to sew Olivia a quiet book. But I know that won't happen anytime soon. And most quiet books are super pricey but worth every single penny spent. I luckily found one on eBay and won the bid and paid a third of the price. Even though it is used it is in really good condition still.

Truth is Mike and I haven't been to church in ages. We finally started going again and Olivia needs something entertaining to do during sacrament so I am trying to make a bag of goodies to keep her occupied with items she can only play with on Sunday. So if anyone has suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. On the plus side, Olivia really likes nursery. On the downside we have late church which messes up her napping schedule.


Courtney said...

Good idea with only letting Olivia use those things on Sunday. We do that with Brooke. Brooke also likes to color and play with puzzles during sacrament. My advice to you is don't give up if Olivia is naughty when you go. Brooke is always naughty! I keep telling myself the more we go the better it will get. And some Sundays Brooke really is well-behaved and that makes it worth it!