Thursday, January 6, 2011

My dear Olivia

My dear Olivia is growing up so fast. We would like to potty train her and since Mike stays home with her it would be easiest if he was in charge of it for the most part. We did pretty good for the first two days. We were taking small steps letting her wear underwear for a couple of hours each day and rewarding her with stickers for peeing in the toilet. I honestly think she is physically ready but needs a lot of reminding at this point. And I know Mike will be slightly embarrassed for me to write this but I think it is Mike that isn't ready to do the potty training. It is a labor of love and it requires constant discipline. A three day weekend is coming and hopefully I can work with Olivia and get a good foundation down.

So this Christmas Olivia really understood the concept of receiving presents. Two days ago she said to me "Mom, I want a present." Wow. That caught me off guard. Then I had to explain to her that we really only receive presents on our birthday and Christmas. She hasn't asked again so hopefully that answer will suffice.

I bought Olivia two new books on being a big sister and having a new baby in the house and she really enjoys them. Now she calls herself the big sister instead of a big girl or a mom when she plays with her dolls. Hopefully that won't wear off too quickly once the baby arrives.

Olivia loves to help out around the house. I let her help me load the dishwasher, mostly just the silverware. When I cook I will let her help me mix or stir. It takes a lot of patience because a mess usually follows but I figure I should monopolize on this opportunity to make cooking and cleaning fun. Recently she loves to help me wash dishes in the sink. She already loves the water so it should be a given. She drags the kitchen chair over to the sink and helps me scrub the sink and scrub the dishes. She enjoys it but the worst part is when we are done. My goodness she throws a tantrum like I just spanked her butt. All I can say is this is definitely a growing experience for the both of us and I suspect Olivia has had to learn a lot of patience for me as I have with her.


Courtney said...

Sounds like we are going through some of the same things :) This is such a fun yet challenging age!

Jenny said...

I need to do better letting Pearl help with chores around the house. And don't let Mike be embarrassed... honestly, Jeff did more of the potty training than I did.

Alabama Apples said...

I'm sorry about your pregnancy woes...I was a bottomless pit with my last two. Oh and wanting to be crafty was a little overwhelming. Crazy, crazy times. Pregnancy can be such a not fun or easy time. Ugggh!

Hooray for little Olivia!! It is wonderful (and awful) she is potty-training. Ugggh, seriously I abhor potty-training. It always is so awful...then they just seem to get it and it works out alright. Sometimes I feel like it is me who is being trained, but then it just clicks. :)

Melissa said...

You are a great mom! You should google 3-day potty train. It is a program that is really great. It requires a lot of time up front, but it teaches your child that they are responsible for knowing when it's time to go. It worked for us!

I'm impressed that you are so patient with your little girl, I have the hardest time when TEagan is in the kitchen!

Sandy said...

Thanks for the tip on the potty training. Emily recommended that book also. I suspect that Olivia isn't quite ready for potty training this month but we will be putting back in cloth diapers.

Whenever Olivia is in the kitchen I try to be patient but it is still really hard. I just have to remind myself that Olivia wants to be involved and it is a good learning opportunity but it can drive me nuts.