Monday, April 14, 2008

Wind caves

This past weekend spring decided to come to Logan and it was beautiful. Mike and I hiked the wind cave trail and there was still some snow and it was muddy in a few places but it was nice to be out in the sun. Hiking this trail was a lot harder than when I did it last fall but I was able to make it to the top without taking a break. I made a goal last fall that I will hike the wind caves every month that I am pregnant until it is next to impossible. I'll keep everyone posted and hopefully I can make it to August.


Annalee Taylor said...

Your amazing...I dont think I could do it without being prego let alone carring a baby!

Alabama Apples said...

Good for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay for spring and look at you!! I am truly impressed at your hiking. :)

Jenny said...

Sandy, I didn't know you were pregnant! Congrats!!! I am so excited for you and very impressed at your exercising. Hang in there and I hate to say it but the aches and pains and lack of sleep is only just beginning. Have you felt the baby move yet? It's so cool!!! I didn't enjoy being pregnant at all but the end result is totally worth every barf, cramp, and stretch mark. Love ya!