Friday, October 29, 2010

Should I be nervous...

Week 6-9 were a piece of cake compared to week 10. And I suspect it is just the beginning of this stage of morning sickness. I am trying to be a lot more proactive this time and try to eat every 2-3 hours but it really is a big pain in the butt to do that at work. I am in the mode of counting down to week 14-16. I remember being sick with Olivia until I was five months along but I think it started to wear off somewhere around week 16. So hopefully Thanksgiving can be enjoyable and I should be feeling awesome by the time Christmas comes.

And it seems like my sense of smell really picked up or more smells just make me sick. And this might be TMI but what about bladder incontinence when I am gagging/throwing up. I don't remember that being a problem with Olivia or after having her except when my bladder was super full and I had to sneeze. Being pregnant this second time around is totally different.

I know I have many many more months to go before the baby comes but the thought just came to me. Should I be nervous? How is this going to impact Olivia? How will I handle having two kids? There are days when Olivia pushes me to the edge, I can't imagine having a newborn and a toddler on those days. I read a book and half the people had an easier transition from 1-2 and others really struggled. I know I am just being a worry wart but imagine expecting moms and TTC moms think about this all the time.


Jenny said...

Uh, read my blog and see how well I'm doing! Kiddo #2 was way easier in some regards than #1 because I had learned a lot of "don'ts" from Pearl. I think with Cole I'm much more laid back but it is way different trying to balance everything and two kids who are very demanding but in different ways. It's hard when they are little and nursing because they demand so much of your time and yet your toddler wants a ton of attention too.

Oh, and don't feel bad about the bladder thing. With Cole I'd get so violently sick and non-stop puking that I peed my pants on more than one occasion. It was kind of shocking at first but there's nothing you can do about it!

Shelly Traveller said...

Oh this brings back some not so distant memories. The heightened sense of smell, gagging, puking, peeing. And FYI the puking/peeing only gets worse with each kid :)

I had a hard time going from one to two but they were only 17 months apart and the first did not want another baby. My little girl has loved having a new baby around so hopefully Olivia will feel the same.

Alabama Apples said...

Yeah, been there done that with the peeing the pants thing...ugggh! And like Shelly said, it only gets worth with each...the joys of motherhood! ;) Having a toddler and baby can be difficult at times, when Gunner was born, it was a little rough, but when Emme was born, Gunner didn't struggle as much as Gavin did. I found that as my pregnancy progressed, Gunner got less needy as I wasn't able to carry him as much and treated him more like a big boy. It also helped to show babies to him and we even had a little cabbage patch doll all of my boys played with prior to the birth of their sibling and then they got to "help" their baby as I was taking care of ours. Hang in there. I hate the beginning (and end), but in this case, the result is worth the crappiness! :)

Julie said...

I think I asked you this before, but have you tried Zofran? I never needed it, but I know many people I worked with who's lives did a 180 when they stopped puking constantly. And in the OR you can't eat every 2-3 hours, and Zofran helped them. Just a thought. I know how sick you were with Olivia.

Given how independent Miss O is now, I'm sure she will be fine with the adjustment. And I'm convinced kid #2 although different has to be easier as you've already figured out a few of the kinks of parenting. Although, what do I know, I only have 1 :P

KIRSTEN said...

You are going to be a great mom of 2!