Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So I am totally bailing on trying to lose 15lbs on the hcg diet. I am just not in the mindset to do it. I am a little disappointed because I would love to lose weight but I am also excited not to have to diet anymore. Dieting is quite an ugly cycle and I am happy to never do it again.

I am going to focus on exercising and eating healthy and if I happen to lose a few more pounds that would be great. Since I am not on a limited diet I can finally start lifting again. I have been doing well at waking up and working out but I haven't quite reached my goal of 5:30 AM yet and yoga is still kicking my butt.


Julie said...

Chris keeps saying I'm on a diet, but in reality I'm trying not to diet, just make better food choices. For lunch do I really need the sandwich AND chips or would the sandwich just do? Do I really need to red velvet cake someone brought in or can I pass? I am trying to decrease my calorie consumption, but an actual diet is just not conducive to my mindset. I need to have my indulgences--A girl needs a cupcake/cookie/chocolate sometimes!

Jenny said...

Good for you! It really doesn't matter how much you weight as long as you feel healthy, your health indicators (like bp, cholesterol, etc) are good, and you are happy with your own physical activity. Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat so the next time you get on the scale and feel disappointed, know that with your workouts it's pure muscle baby!

Mike D. said...

Well Said Jenny. I think you are beautiful and like it when you eat the same things I eat. So keep up the good work, cause you are awesome.