Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's resolutions

I am always making goals for myself so it isn't something new but I decided to make some more for this upcoming year. I decided to be overly ambitious and aim high in hopes that even if I don't make my goal I still have accomplished a lot.

1. Run a half marathon - I signed up for the SLC half marathon on April 17.
2. Lost 15 lbs - I am back on the hhcg diet for the month of January.
3. Start waking up at 5:30 AM so I can exercise in the morning. I love to workout in the morning once I get in the habit but I can't say I love to wake up. I have this goal because I won't be able to work out during my lunch break anymore which means I won't be able to work out with Mike. Boo hoo!
4. Start reading my scriptures daily - My plan so far is to read during my lunch break since I won't be able to exercise. Scripture study can be so tedious but in reality my life is so much happier when I do and I seem to have a lot more clarity in my life.

Those are my goals for now. I have a huge list that has been sitting next to my bed for weeks but those are the first ones I am going to tackle. If anyone is still reading my blog, I would love to hear what your new year's resolutions are.


Unknown said...

My plan is to run 1-2 organized events each month. Did a 5-mile even to on New Year's Day. Have a 15k coming up on the 17th. I'll be planning out February soon.

i figure the weight i need to lose will come along with that type of scheduling.

Scripture study is something i've always done in small pieces throughout each day. I usually start it with "Our Daily Bread" when i get in to work. That and a quick prayer for focus always seems to make the day start off right.

Good luck on the Half. I'll look forward to reading about it.

God Bless.

Julie said...

I read your blog a lot, I just rarely comment. Sorry, I get lazy! I love to see what your cute family is up to though! A couple of mine are:
1. Potty train Kate
2. Get the boys crawling before their first birthday (on the 28th)
3. Exercise 3 times/week

I have a few others, but those are kind of my goals for January. We are off to a pretty good start so far!

Alabama Apples said...

I like your resolutions. I'm still trying to solidify mine in my mind, so I will really work to accomplish them. I do know I need to work on my personal scripture study. For some reason it is such a drag and I never "have the time" for it. If I read at night it puts me to sleep, great for insomnia, not so great for the spiritual boost :), I guess that means some time during the day. I think I will read them at lunch time, too, if only as a specific time to accomplish it.

Right now I'm just trying not to wig out about little girl coming. For some reason I'm really scared this time around and it seems to be the focus of all my energy (although it is more spinning of wheels than accomplishing anything).

I know I want to have my FHE more developed for my children, so there will be a goal attached to that. After the baby, my lose weight goal will kick in.

I love reading your blog! I love seeing inside your life and I feel closer to you despite the many, too many, miles and years between us. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life! :)

Jenny said...

Resolutions? Urghhh... I used to make these huge lists of things I wanted to learn, do, and get better at (every year I wanted to learn how to bake bread... still haven't accomplished that one). Now it seems like if I get to work by 9:30 I'm doing good. Doesn't survival, keeping a kid alive, and not burning your house down count? Hope so!

Seriously though, I agree with the scripture study ones. I'm going to try with myself first, then work on the family scripture reading. The weight loss stuff will have to wait until after this next kid gets here!