Friday, January 15, 2010

The rewards of parenting

Being a parent is hard and I only have Olivia. When I see acquaintances with 2 or 3 kids I feel envious and frightened all at the same time. Envious because I have been thinking that I would like to have another baby but frightened because I can't imagine how much work it takes. And even though I feel overwhelmed at times it is so worth it when she does something smart, witty or funny. One of the most rewarding feelings I have experienced is feeling like a proud parent. For example when Olivia finishes a song for me or makes her own signs, I think "Wow, that is my baby!!"


Unknown said...

It's amazing, though, how God somehow gives us the patience, love and guidance to handle the additional kids.

lol....i do remember, however, that when we had our second child, us feeling WAY OUTNUMBERED even when it was just two to two.

When the time comes, you'll have all the strength you'll need.

Julie said...

My friend had her 2nd baby when her first was 15 months old. I think, wow, I could be having my 2nd right now, and I get nervous and scared. I can't imagine having my little spitfire and a new baby. But your right when you see their accomplishments it makes all the hard work seem worth it, and I wonder what it would be like to watch another little life go through the same things. I think we'll wait til Ry is 2 before we think of baby #2.