Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Piano Lessons

So I have always wanted to take piano lessons but my family was pretty poor when I was growing up and we didn't own a piano. In middle school I played the saxophone for 2 years and that was a good experience. I have always had big plans to take piano lessons eventually in my adult life but the past few months it has been nagging me. One day I told Mike "I want to take piano lessons." Lo and behold he logs into Facebook and one of his friends who is an amazing piano player has posted that he is teaching group piano lessons on campus. Talk about the Secret totally working for me. Anyway I started last week and it will run through spring semester. Should be interesting...

And I will be making my first attempt at cooking in bulk and making freezer meals with the extras. I also received a grain mill and will be trying that out this month too. I do have pictures to post but I have to retrieve them off our backup and I just don't have the patience to do it right now.


Unknown said...

Hey, that's great that you actually got started. I've taught folks like you for 20+ years and often they tell me they longed for lessons and just put them off and off and off...I'm sure you know the feeling! Best of luck.

Alabama Apples said...

Congratulations on starting something you've always wanted! Good luck with your upcoming projects-you'll have to keep me informed on how it goes!

Courtney said...

We should have hung out more when we both lived in Logan. We have a lot in commom. I also want to take piano lessons. We had a piano growing up but I was never interested. We just inherited our own piano and now it just trying to find time to do lessons and practice. Good Luck!