Wednesday, January 6, 2010


When I was 20 I joined Ladies Fitness and the dietitian was a yoga instructor and I took her classes for like 2 months and I loved it. There were only 2-3 students so we got a lot of one on one time and I learned a lot of basics. When I lived in Salt Lake I joined the 24 hour fitness and I took yoga there and it was awesome. I think mostly because the instructor was great and in my opinion the instructor will make or break a group fitness class. In a nutshell, I was young and in shape and flexible so it was fairly easy.

Fast forward and 6 years later, tons of weight gain and post baby. Yoga is killer. I have tried to do it occasionally here and there but it is pretty strenuous on the body. I did prenatal yoga from a DVD but that was pretty easy except in month 8 and 9. I found a couple of yoga podcasts that I downloaded onto my phone and did my first serious session this morning and it felt great. It was a good workout and I was sweating bullets.

Reasons I love yoga. It teaches patience, body awareness, pushing yourself physically and mentally, increases flexibility, relieves stress, increases blood flow, relieves tension especially in the spine, builds my upper body strength, elongates my muscles. I hope I can keep up with it and improve my skills and flexibility.


Brooke said...

I hated yoga in high school and loved doing step (fast paced stuff) and now that I have had kids I tried it again and I LOVE IT!! It is seriously the best exercise for me right now. That and pilates are my f=very favorite and I hate step. Funny how age and circumstances can change that.

Julie said...

okay so all these posts on how physically active you are really make me feel like such a slacker. I'm envious you have such drive, determination and some sort of schedule that allows you to work out! And you're actually motivating me not to be a slacker. I tried "hot room" yoga in college and it kicked my butt. Haven't taken any classes since, but even wii fit yoga has made me want to get into it. Just the stretching it does for your body, you can't help but feel great afterwards.

Alabama Apples said...

I actually love yoga, too. I did it for a little while when I was preggo with Gunner and then after. It is difficult, but I really enjoyed it. It is also kind to my knees.

If I could move my large rear off of the couch, I'd probably be doing prenatal yoga now, but I guess I'll just wait for the baby to arrive...