Thursday, January 14, 2010

Decisions, decisions, decisions

I just feel so overwhelmed in the past couple of days. There are so many things that I want to do and accomplish and so many decisions that need to be made. Sometimes I feel like I am constantly trying to plan and prepare for the future I forget to live in the moment. I have this ridiculous compulsion to research everything before I made my so called educated decision. And when I have a lot of planning and decisions to make that equates to many many hours of research. I think about being spontaneous and to make a decision on the fly but I think that would cause me more stress.

Anyway I don't know if anyone else ever feels like me but right now it stinks.


Jenny said...

Sandy, I am always amazed at the energy, dedication, and devotion you have to improving in all areas of your life. Truly an inspiration! But coming from a former perfectionist who is now a flop in most areas of life, let me tell you that sometimes it isn't worth stressing over! Luckily I had a life meltdown and then married someone who was much more relaxed than me to teach me that it's ok to let go, be a little plump, and enjoy life. With work, school (thank heavens that's done now), baby, and normal everyday chores it just gets to be too much and you have to let go of something or go completely nuts! I should probably up the resolutions to at least one thing this year, but honestly, if my kid and husband come home smiling, and the house gets cleaned once in a while I'm good. You have to learn how the Spirit whispers to you too to know if those BIG decisions are right. It's taken me a long time to figure that one out!

Hang in there!

Unknown said...

That only happens to me, oh like EVERY STINKING DAY! lol

i EXACTLY know what you mean.

But you know, when i start feeling that, if i take a few seconds to just close my eyes, take a deep breath and say a silent prayer to God asking for peace and patience.

It seems to work. Well, EXCEPT when i'm driving.

Goo dluck and God bless.

Brooke said...

All the time...I have so many ideas and can't ever focus enough to get one done. I don't think I spend enough time on a decision and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Who knows what is the best way...they both work.

Julie said...

I totally know what you mean! Lately I have so much going on and so much to remember to do that I began carrying around a notebook with me in my pocket (at work) and purse so I can write down all the "oh yeah I gotta do that" or "oh yeah, gotta look that up" stuff or I'll forget. Most of the time my head is spinning with things going on it. And what you said about researching for the future, and forgetting to live in the present is totally how I've been living lately.