Thursday, January 7, 2010

Striving to be an awesome SAHM

I am very thankful that I was able to finish school and the job I have at the university that gives me the ability to provide for my family and put Mike through school. But with that being said I am really looking forward to being a SAHM. I don't know when that will be but I am hoping soon since Mike is graduating this spring. Working outside the home has its pros and cons. Personally I think the cons out weigh the pros.

In lieu of my changing role I have been doing a lot of researching. One reason I love the internet is its ability to disseminate information so quickly. I have really enjoyed reading blogs by SAHM and doing research. My main goals are saving money, being healthy and having a fulfilling experience with my family which are centered around my relationship with God. In the past few months I have started a lot of projects but unfortunately have not finished any. I had too much on my plate and not enough time or motivation. I am hoping by documenting it on my blog it will give me the extra push I need to finish my projects. Plus I would like to share my experience and learn from others.

My biggest obstacle has been time. I work a full time job and every minute I have at home I want to spend with Olivia. After she goes to sleep I have the daily things to do i.e. clean, clean and clean, prepare and pack for the next day and sleep. A day rarely goes by where I think "Wow it is only 8:00 I have so much time on my hands to do my projects." The things I want to accomplish have taken a fair amount of time and I want to do a good job. Here is my first attempt of the things I need to complete:

1. Reread Dave Ramsey's book and revisit our budget.
2. Pricebook for groceries
3. Inventory my short term food storage and refine my goals and plans.
4. Start and be consistent with my baking and freezing of foods.
5. Research and attempt some freezer meals.
6. Learn to knit and actually make something useful
7. Read Parenting with Love and Logic
8. Make a quilt
9. Start a weekly family menu
10. Possible try couponing. Up in the air on this one.


Alabama Apples said...

Whew! Those are lofty goals...I need to tackle some of them, too. I need a kick to get into freezing meals. I really think that would help me out of my grocery slump/stand-off with dinner. I need to be a better SAHM. Some times I feel like I am barely living it, instead of thriving in it.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Look at you! I'm super-impressed with those goals! If that's what make up a fantastic SAHM I'm failing miserably. ;)
It was fun catching up on your blog. I love, love, love the new shoes you picked out. They are super-duper cute and looks like they'll make for a great run.

Brenda said...

oh.... oh.... do couponing, it's fun and rewarding :)

Julie said...

I think I want to be a SAHM and tackle all those things and work full time... is that possible? I wish there were more time in the week. Knitting: I taught myself last summer with a $5 book and needles and a little you tube for some complicated stuff and now I can whip out hats and scarves.